Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mngetahui: (1) perbedaan pengaruh penerapan model pembelajaran berbasis masalah dan model pembelajaran berbasis proyek terhadap motivasi belajar dan pemahaman konsep matematika siswa, (2) motivasi belajar dan pemahaman konsep matematika siswa yang berkemampuan tinggi, sedang dan rendah setelah dibelajarkan dengan model pembelajaran berbasis masalah dan model pembelajaran berbasis proyek. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian mixed method tipe Explanatory Sequential, dengan rancangan acak lengkap (RAL). Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di SMP Negeri 4 Kuta Selatan, dengan populasi sebanyak 288 siswa. Pengambilan sampel dilakukan dengan teknik Cluster Random Sampling, dengan kelas VII 3 sebagai kelompok eksperimen I dan kelas VII 4 sebagai kelompok eksperimen II. Data motivasi belajar siswa dikumpulkan dengan menggunakan angket motivasi belajar dan wawancara dan data pemahaman konsep matematika siswa dikumpulkan menggunakan tes. Data yang dikumpulkan dianalisis dengan uji MANOVA. Hasil analisis menunjukkan: (1) Terdapat perbedaan motivasi belajar dan pemahaman konsep matematika siswa yang belajar dengan model pembelajaran berbasis masalah dan model pembelajaran berbasis proyek. (2) Siswa yang berkemampuan tinggi cenderung telah memenuhi empat komponen motivasi belajar (Attention, Relevamce, Confidence, Satisfaction) dan telah mampu memenuhi tiga komponen pemahaman konsep matematika (menjelaskan konsep dalam kata-kata sendiri, mengidentifikasi atau memberikan contoh dan bukan contoh dari konsep, menggunakan konsep secara tepat dalam situasi sehari-hari), siswa yang berkemampuan sedang cenderung memenuhi tiga komponen motivasi belajar (Attention, Relevamce, Confidence) dan mampu memenuhi dua komponen pemahaman konsep matematika (menjelaskan konsep dalam kata-kata sendiri, mengidentifikasi atau memberikan contoh dan bukan contoh dari konsep), sedangkan siswa yang berkemampuan rendah cenderung hanya memenuhi satu komponen motivasi belajar (Attention) dan memenuhi dua komponen pemahaman konsep matematika yaitu (menjelaskan konsep dalam kata-kata sendiri, mengidentifikasi atau memberikan contoh dan bukan contoh dari konsep) meski belum sepenuhnya benar.
Kata Kunci : model pembelajaran berbasis masalah, model pembelajaran berbasis proyek, motivasi belajar, pemahaman konsep matematika
The purpose of this research for knowing: (1) Differences of student’s learning motivatioan and understanding mathematics concept by using Problem Based Learning and Project Based Learning, (2) Knowing how far the influence of Problem Based Learning and Project Based Learning for student’s learning motivatioan and understanding mathematics concept who has high, everage and low ability. Mixed method tipe Explanatory Sequential is used in this research, designed with completely randomized design. Which had been held in SMP Negeri 4 Kuta Selatan, with 288 participants. The sampling method in this research used cluster random sampling technique with student’s of VII 3 as an experiment group I dan student’s of VII 4 as an experiment group II. The student’s learning motivation data is collected by questionarie and interview. The student’s understanding mathematics concept is collected by understanding concept test. Collected data were analyzed by MANOVA. The result of this research: (1) There are differences of student’s learning motivatioan and understanding mathematics concept by using Problem Based Learning and Project Based Learning. (2) Student with high ability had been showed four learning motivation aspects (Attention, Relevamce, Confidence, Satisfaction) and had been showed three understanding mathematics concept aspects (describe concepts in their own words, identify or give examples and nonexamples of concepts, use concepts correctly in a variety of situations), student with everage ability had been showed three learning motivation aspects (Attention, Relevamce, Confidence) and had been showed two understanding mathematics concept aspects (describe concepts in their own words, identify or give examples and nonexamples of concepts), student with low ability had been showed one learning motivation aspects (Attention) and had been showed two understanding mathematics concept aspects (describe concepts in their own words, identify or give examples and nonexamples of concepts) Though not entirely true.
keyword : problem based learning, project based learning, learning motivation, understanding mathematics concept
Kata Kunci : model pembelajaran berbasis masalah, model pembelajaran berbasis proyek, motivasi belajar, pemahaman konsep matematika
The purpose of this research for knowing: (1) Differences of student’s learning motivatioan and understanding mathematics concept by using Problem Based Learning and Project Based Learning, (2) Knowing how far the influence of Problem Based Learning and Project Based Learning for student’s learning motivatioan and understanding mathematics concept who has high, everage and low ability. Mixed method tipe Explanatory Sequential is used in this research, designed with completely randomized design. Which had been held in SMP Negeri 4 Kuta Selatan, with 288 participants. The sampling method in this research used cluster random sampling technique with student’s of VII 3 as an experiment group I dan student’s of VII 4 as an experiment group II. The student’s learning motivation data is collected by questionarie and interview. The student’s understanding mathematics concept is collected by understanding concept test. Collected data were analyzed by MANOVA. The result of this research: (1) There are differences of student’s learning motivatioan and understanding mathematics concept by using Problem Based Learning and Project Based Learning. (2) Student with high ability had been showed four learning motivation aspects (Attention, Relevamce, Confidence, Satisfaction) and had been showed three understanding mathematics concept aspects (describe concepts in their own words, identify or give examples and nonexamples of concepts, use concepts correctly in a variety of situations), student with everage ability had been showed three learning motivation aspects (Attention, Relevamce, Confidence) and had been showed two understanding mathematics concept aspects (describe concepts in their own words, identify or give examples and nonexamples of concepts), student with low ability had been showed one learning motivation aspects (Attention) and had been showed two understanding mathematics concept aspects (describe concepts in their own words, identify or give examples and nonexamples of concepts) Though not entirely true.
keyword : problem based learning, project based learning, learning motivation, understanding mathematics concept
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