I.A. N. T Widhiyani, I. N Sukajaya, G Suweken



Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian pengembangan yang menghasilkan suatu produk berupa soal Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS) berbentuk uraian untuk materi bangun ruang sisi datar. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui: (1) karakteristik soal yang dapat dikategorikan sebagai soal HOTS, dan (2) prosedur pengembangan kategori soal HOTS. Pemenuhan soal untuk dapat dikategoriakan sebagai soal HOTS dilihat dari karakteristik, indikator, dan langkah-langah penyusunan soal. Prosedur penelitian pengembangan ini dilaksanakan melalui beberapa tahapan yaitu tahap preliminary, self evaluation, prototyping (Validasi, Evaluasi, dan Revisi), dan uji coba lapangan (field test). Teknik analisis data pada penelitian ini meliputi uji validitas, uji reliabilitas, analisis daya beda, dan uji taraf kesukaran butir tes. Berdasarkan validasi pakar dan uji coba instrumen ke siswa diperoleh hasil : (1) 8 dari 10 soal sudah memenuhi kategori valid, (2) reliabilitas soal memiliki nilai 0,60 yang menunjukkan bahwa reliabilitas soal tinggi. (3) 50% soal termasuk kategori sedang dan 50% soal termasuk kategori sukar, dan (4) indeks daya beda soal  dimana soal memiliki daya beda sangat baik. Hasil ini menunjukkan bahwa soal yang dikembangkan sudah baik dan memenuhi kategori soal HOTS, sehingga soal yang telah disusun dapat digunakan untuk mengukur kemampuan siswa ketika mengerjakan soal-soal HOTS.

Kata Kunci: HOTS,Kemampuan Pemecahan Masalah, Bangun Ruang Sisi Datar.



This study is a development research which is intended to produce HOTS essay problems for solid geometry with plane surfaces. The purpose of this study is toknow : (1) the characteristics of problems which could be categorized as HOTS problems, and (2) procedures for developing the category of HOTS problems. The condition of problems in order to be categorized as HOTS problems can be viewed from the characteristics, indicators, and steps in developing the problems. The research was done through several stages, namely the preliminary stage, self evaluation, prototyping (Validation, Evaluation, and Revision), and field test. Data analysis techniques for this study consists of the validity test, reliability test, desriminating power analysis, and difficulty level of test items. Based on expert validation and field testing to students, the results are: (1) 8 of the 10 problems have met the valid category, (2) the reliability of the problems have a value of 0.60 indicating that the reliability of the problems is high. (3) 50% of the problems included in the medium category and 50% of the problems included in the difficult category, and (4) the index of descriminating power is different from the problems0.40 where the problems had a good descriminating power. These results indicate that the developed problems are good and fulfill the HOTS problem category, so that the problems that have been prepared can be used to measure students' abilities when they were working on HOTS problems.

Keywords: HOTS, Problem Solving Ability, Solid Geometry with Plane Surface.


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