Kontribusi Bakat Numerik, Kecerdasan Spasial, dan Kecerdasan Logis Matematis Terhadap Prestasi Belajar Matematika Siswa SD Negeri di Kabupaten Buleleng

I GST A NGURAH TRISNA JAYANTIKA ., Prof. Dr.I Made Ardana,M.Pd ., Prof. Dr. Phill.I Gst. Putu Sudiarta, M. .


Tujuan utama dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui kontribusi bakat numerik, kecerdasan spasial dan kecerdasan logis matematis terhadap prestasi belajar matematika siswa. Populasi dari penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas V SD Negeri di kabupaten Buleleng sebanyak 83554 orang. Penentuan banyaknya titik sampel didasarkan pada rumus Slavin yang didapatkan sebanyak 100 orang. Pengambilan sampel untuk tiap daerahnya dilakukan dengan menggunakan teknik proporsive random sampling. Data dikumpulkan dengan tes bakat numerik, tes kecerdasan spasial, tes kecerdasan logis matematis dan dokumen dari guru berupa nilai raport. Data dianalisis menggunakan analisis jalur. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa: (1) bakat numerik siswa tergolong sangat baik dengan rata-rata skor 22,860. (2) kecerdasan spasial siswa tergolong baik dengan rata-rata skor 22,390. (3) kecerdasan logis matematis siswa tergolong baik dengan rata-rata skor 22,350. (4) prestasi belajar matematika siswa tergolong baik dengan nilai rata-rata 71,970. (5) kontribusi bakat numerik terhadap kecerdasan logis matematis sebesar 25,3%. (6) kontribusi kecerdasan spasial terhadap kecerdasan logis matematis sebesar 27,4%. (7) kontribusi langsung bakat numerik terhadap prestasi belajar matematika sebesar 27,5% dan kontribusi tidak langsung bakat numerik terhadap prestasi belajar matematika sebesar 7,0% sehingga kontribusi total sebesar 34,5%. (8) kontribusi langsung kecerdasan spasial terhadap prestasi belajar matematika sebesar 29,1% dan kontribusi tidak langsung kecerdasan spasial terhadap prestasi belajar matematika sebesar 7,6% sehingga kontribusi total sebesar 36,7%. (9) kontribusi kecerdasan logis matematis terhadap prestasi belajar matematika sebesar 27,7%. (10) bakat numerik dan kecerdasan logis matematis berkontribusi secara simultan dan signifikan terhadap prestasi belajar matematika sebesar 36,7%. (11) kecerdasan spasial dan kecerdasan logsi matematis berkontribusi secara simultan dan signifikan terhadap prestasi belajar matematika sebesar 37,2%. (12) bakat numerik, kecerdasan spasial dan kecerdasan logis matematis berkontribusi secara simultan dan signifikan terhadap prestasi belajar matematika sebesar 42,8%.
Kata Kunci : bakat numerik, kecerdasan spasial, kecerdasan logis matematis dan prestasi belajar matematika

The main purpose of this research was to find out the contribution numerical talent, spatial intelligence and logical-mathematical intelligence toward mathematical achievement. The population of this research was fifth grade of elementary school in buleleng regency as many as 83554 students. Slavin formula was used to determine the sample of this research, which altogether 100 students. The sample for every region was determined by proporsive random sampling technique. Data was collected by numerical talent test, spatial intelligence test and logical-mathematical intelligence test, especially for mathematical achievement data was collected by using the students’ first semester score in the odd semester. Data was analyzed by path analysis. The result indicate that: (1) the students’ numerical talent was classified very good level with an average score of 22,860. (2) the students’ spatial intelligence was classified good level with an 22,390 average score of 22,390. (3) the students’ logical-mathematical intelligence was classified good level with an average score of 22,350. (4) the students’ mathematical achievement was classified good level with an average score of 71,970. (5) the contribution numerical talent toward logical-mathematical intelligence is 25,3%. (6) the contribution spatial intelligence toward logical-mathematical intelligence is 27,4%. (7) the direct contribution numerical talent toward mathematical achievement is 27,5% and indirect contribution is 7,0%, so the total contribution numerical talent toward mathematical achievement is 36,7%. (8) the direct contribution spatial intelligence toward mathematical achievement is 29,1% and the indirect contribution is 7,6%, so the total contribution spatial intelligence toward mathematical achievement is 36,7%. (9) the contribution logical-mathematical intelligence toward mathematical achievement is 27,7%. (10) numerical talent and logical-mathematical intelligence contributing simultaneously and significantly toward mathematical achievement by 36,7%. (11) spatial intelligence and logical-mathematical intelligence contributing simultaneously and significantly toward mathematical achievement by 37,2%. (12) numerical talent, spatial intelligence and logical-mathematical intelligence contributing simultaneously and significantly toward mathematical achievement by 42,8%.
keyword : numerical talent, spatial intelligence, logical-mathematical intelligence and mathematical achievement

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.23887/jppm.v2i2.981


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