Perpustakaan adalah suatu unit kerja yang berupa tempat menyimpan koleksi bahan pustaka yang diatur secara sistematis dengan cara tertentu untuk dipergunakan secara berkesinambungan oleh pemakainya sebagai sumber informasi. Perpustakaan daerah kabupaten Tabanan merupakan salah satu perpustakaan Umum di Bali yang memberikan pelayanan kepada masyarakat terhadap peminjaman buku setiap harinya dari berbagai kalangan. Permasalahan yang dihadapi dalam pelayanan perpustakaan yaitu bagaimana menarik perhatian pengunjung dengan menampilkan rekomendasi kepada peminjam yang berbeda usia. Sistem Rekomendasi merupakan metode yang sesuai dimana metode tersebut menggunakan opini dari suatu komunitas pengguna untuk membantu seorang individu dari komunitas tersebut dalam mencari informasi tertentu.Teknologi clustering data merupakan suatu teknik yang menunjukan persamaan karakteristik dalam suatu kelompok sehingga akan menghasilkan informasi yang berguna nantinya.K-means merupakan algoritma yang sangat banyak dipergunakan karena efektif dan efisien. Ini dikarenakan K-means sangat mudah dipelajari dan dari segi waktu proses komputasinya relatif singkat. Metode Elbow digunakan untuk menentukan jumlah cluster terbaik untuk penelitian ini. Jumlah cluster yang terbentuk sebanyak 3 cluster dengan menggunakan Metode Elbow. Nilai kemurnian dari cluster yang terbentuk dalam penelitian ini adalah 0.7187017 dengan data yang 930 relevan. Dapat dikatakan hasil dari penelitian ini baik karena nilai purity (kemurnian) mendekati 1.
Kata Kunci : K-means, Elbow, Clustering, Rekomendasi, Purity
Library is one of the work units that place to save the collection of library materials which are arranged systematically by particular method that used sustainable by the user as the information source. Local library of Tabanan regency is one of the public library in Bali which gives service to the society for borrowing book every day from various circles. The problem that is faced in library service is how to attract the attention of visitor by showing the recommendation to the borrower that different age. Method of recommendation system is a method that suitable where that method using the opinion from user community to help a person from that community in looking for the specific information. Clustering data technology is a technic that show the same characteristic in a group so that produce useful information eventually. K – Means is algorithm that widely used because of the effective and the efficient. This is because of K – Means is very easy learned and relatively short in computation process. Elbow method is used to establish the best cluster amount for this research. The cluster amount that formed is 3 clusters by using elbow method. The value of purity of the cluster formed is 0.7187017 with 930 relevant dat. It can be said the result of this research is good because the purity value approach 1.
keyword : K – Means, Elbow, Clustering, Recommendation, Purity
Kata Kunci : K-means, Elbow, Clustering, Rekomendasi, Purity
Library is one of the work units that place to save the collection of library materials which are arranged systematically by particular method that used sustainable by the user as the information source. Local library of Tabanan regency is one of the public library in Bali which gives service to the society for borrowing book every day from various circles. The problem that is faced in library service is how to attract the attention of visitor by showing the recommendation to the borrower that different age. Method of recommendation system is a method that suitable where that method using the opinion from user community to help a person from that community in looking for the specific information. Clustering data technology is a technic that show the same characteristic in a group so that produce useful information eventually. K – Means is algorithm that widely used because of the effective and the efficient. This is because of K – Means is very easy learned and relatively short in computation process. Elbow method is used to establish the best cluster amount for this research. The cluster amount that formed is 3 clusters by using elbow method. The value of purity of the cluster formed is 0.7187017 with 930 relevant dat. It can be said the result of this research is good because the purity value approach 1.
keyword : K – Means, Elbow, Clustering, Recommendation, Purity
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