Ni Wayan Anggi Septya Dianithi, Putu Kerti Nitiasih, I Nyoman Adi Jaya Putra


This research was aimed at investigating powerful utterances and bases power used by the teachers in the classroom interaction. This research is a descriptive qualitative research. The data were collected through observation and analyzed by using the theory of speech act proposed Searle, then to know the power the data were analyzed according to the theory of power proposed by French and Raven. The result of the study showed that in the classroom interrogative directive speech as the most frequently produced by the teachers were very powerful to make the students actively participated in the classroom interaction. However, expert power as the power base that mostly occurred in the interaction made the students depend on the teachers to learn. Legitimate power and informational power that less occurred were the power needed to be used in the classroom to build the students internal motivation and independence.


Communication; Interaction Power; Language; Speech Act

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