Procrastination is frequently performed by students and many studies claimed that it happened to all levels of students. This study aimed at: (1) investigating the level of academic procrastination of EFL students in Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha, (2) investigating EFL students’ reasons in engaging on academic procrastination, and (3) determining whether self-efficacy correlates with academic procrastination. An embedded mix-method with explanatory design was employed in this study, it is started quantitatively than followed up by an in-depth qualitative study. A correlational analysis was used to test the hypothesis of this study. The findings revealed that (1) EFL students in Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha mostly had a high level (63%) of procrastination (n= 130); (2) the main reasons of EFL students to engage on academic procrastination were; Time management (28%), Aversiveness of the Task (24%), Sincerity (22%), and Personal Initiative (26%); and (3) there was a strong, negative correlation between students academic procrastination and self-efficacy, r = –.651, n = 130.
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