Determinasi Informasi Karir, Bimbingan Karir dan Ekspektasi Karir Terhadap Kompetensi Lulusan SMALB Di SLB.B Negeri Pembina Tingkat Nasional Jimbaran.

DEDE PRIYANTI ., Prof. Dr. Nyoman Dantes ., Dr. I Gusti Ketut Arya Sunu, M.Pd. .


Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengkaji determinasi informasi karir, bimbingan karir dan ekspektasi karir terhadap kompetensi lulusan SMALB. Data penelitian menggunakan kuesioner model Skala Likert. Uji validitas butir dihitung dengan koefisien korelasi Product Moment. Uji persyaratan analisis untuk normalitas sebaran data memakai uji Kolmogorov-Smirnov.
Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan ex-post facto, dengan sampel 41 orang siswa SMALB di SLB.B N PTN Jimbaran. Untuk menjaring data digunakan instrument berbentuk kuesioner. Pengolahan data menggunakan metode deskriptif dan kuantitatif dengan uji statistik.
Hasil analisis data menunjukkan: 1) Terdapat determinasi positif dan signifikan antara informasi karir terhadap kompetensi lulusan SMALB sebesar 1,51%. 2) Terdapat determinasi positif dan signifikan antara bimbingan karir terhadap kompetensi lulusan SMALB sebesar 22,18%. 3) Terdapat determinasi positif dan signifikan antara ekspektasi karir terhadap kompetensi lulusan SMALB sebesar 43,83%. 4) Secara bersama-sama terdapat determinasi positif dan signifikan antara informasi karir, bimbingan karir dan ekspektasi karir terhadap kompetensi lulusan sebesar 20,16% dengan sumbangan efektif masing-masing X1 55.604, X2 38.474, X3 74.580. 5) Penelitian juga membuktikan bahwa berdasarkan besarnya korelasi parsial, ternyata determinasi ekspektasi karir menduduki peringkat pertama dengan koefisien determinasi 43,83%, dan bimbingan karir terhadap kompetensi lulusan menduduki peringkat ke dua dengan determinasi 22,18%, dan informasi karir menduduki peringkat ketiga dengan koefisien determinasi 20,16.
Kata Kunci : Informasi Karir, Bimbingan Karir, Ekspektasi Karir, Kompetensi Lulusan

The purpose of this research is to examine career information determination, career counseling and career expectation towards competency for the SMALB graduates. Research data were by using questionnaires model of Likert’s Scale. Ex-post facto approach has been used for this research by using sample of total 41 students of SMALB at SLB.B N PTN Jimbaran.
Questionnaires were used as an instrument to collect the data for this research. Descriptive method has been used in data processing and quantitative method for statistic test. Validity test was made by using product moment correlation coefficient with Kolmogorov-Smirnov. Test was used to determinate the normal distributing data, and homogeneity Scatterplot was used to judge the homogeneity of varians the result of this study showed that:
1) There was a positive and significant determination between career information toward the graduates competency, with coefficient correlation is 1,51%. 2) There was a positive and significant determination between career counseling toward the graduates competency, with coefficient correlation is 22,18%. 3) There was a positive and significant determination between career information toward the graduates competency, with coefficient correlation is 43,83%. 4) There was a simultance us determination of the carrier information, carrier counseling, and career expectation, welfare toward the graduates competency, with doubel correlation is 20,16% and effektif support are X138.474, X2 55,604%, X3 74,580. 5) The study also proves that based on the magnitude of the partial correlation, it turns out the career expectations of determination was ranked first with is 43,83% % coefficient of determination , and the determination of the competence of graduate career guidance SMALB was ranked second with 22,18 % determination , and career information ranks third with a coefficient of determination of 20,16%.
keyword : Career information, career counseling, career expectation, competention.

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