Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui (1) perbedaan hasil belajar antara siswa yang mengikuti pembelajaran blended character education approach dengan siswa yang mengikuti metode pembelajaran konvensional, (2) perbedaan hasil belajar antara siswa yang mengikuti pembelajaran blended character education approach dengan siswa yang mengikuti metode pembelajaran konvensional, setelah dikendalikan variabel pengetahuan awal, (3) besar kontribusi pengetahuan awal terhadap hasil belajar pada siswa kelas X SMAK Thomas Aquino Tangeb. Data yang diperoleh dianalisis dengan analisis varians satu jalur dan analisis kovarian (Anakova) 1 jalur dengan uji-F. Penelitian ini termasuk jenis penelitian eksperimen dengan rancangan“ post-test only control group design”. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah seluruh Siswa kelas X SMAK Thomas Aquino Tangeb yang terdiri dari dua rombongan belajar. Teknik sampling yang digunakan untuk menentukan sampel adalah teknik random sampling, dari dua rombongan belajar satu kelas diambil sebagai kelompok eksperimen (kelas yang mengikuti pembelajaran dengan blended character education approach ) dan satu kelas sebagai kelompok kontrol (kelas yang mengikuti model pembelajaran konvensional) dengan teknik undian. Hasilnya menunjukkan bahwa: (1) perbedaan hasil belajar sejarah antara siswa yang mengikuti pembelajaran Blended Character Education Approach dengan siswa yang mengikuti pembelajaran konvensional pada siswa di SMAK Thomas Aquino Tangeb, Mengwi, Badung dengan FHitung = 10,466 dengan signifikansi = 0,002 (p < 0,05), (2) perbedaan hasil belajar sejarah antara siswa yang mengikuti pembelajaran Blended Character Education Approach dengan siswa yang mengikuti pembelajaran konvensional, setelah diadakan pengendalian pengaruh variabel pengetahuan awal siswa dengan Fhitung = 14,369; dan (3) kontribusi yang positif dan signifikan antara pengetahuan awal siswa dengan hasil belajar sejarah siswa di SMAK Thomas Aquino Tangeb, Mengwi, Badung dengan kontribusi sebesar 39,1 % melalui persamaan garis regresi = 14,721 + 1,048 X.
Kata Kunci : blended character education approach, pembelajaran konvensional, pengetahuan awal, hasil belajar
The aim of this research is to see the defference of students ability between those who got blended character educantion approach and those who got conventional method after the control of earlier variable, and also the quantity of the contribution of earlier knowladge of the student grade X ability in SMAK Thomas Aquino Tangeb. The data was analized by one way analysis varian and one way kovarian analysis with F-test. This research is catagorized in experiment research with “post test only control group design” plan. The population in this research was the whole of students grade X in SMAK Thomas Aquino Tangeb. Wich was consist of two group of students. The sampling technic that was used to take the samples was random sampling. One group acted as experiment group ( the group that was gotten blenden character eduacation approach) and the other group acted as control group (the group that was gotten conventional method). The result shows that (1) the difference of students ability in history between the those who got Blended character education approach and those who got conventional method in SMAK Thomas Aquino Tangeb, Mengwi, Badung F= 10, 466 with signification = 0, 002 (p< 0,05), (2) the defference of student ability in history between those who got blended character education approach and those who got conventional method afterr the control of variable impact of earlier knowladge in F= 14,369 and (3) the significant and positive contribution between students earlier knowladge and the final ability in History of SMAK Thomas Aquino Tangeb, Mengwi,badung with 39,1% contribution through the regression similarity line Y= 14,721+1,048 X.
keyword : character education approach, conventional method, earlier knowladge, result.
Kata Kunci : blended character education approach, pembelajaran konvensional, pengetahuan awal, hasil belajar
The aim of this research is to see the defference of students ability between those who got blended character educantion approach and those who got conventional method after the control of earlier variable, and also the quantity of the contribution of earlier knowladge of the student grade X ability in SMAK Thomas Aquino Tangeb. The data was analized by one way analysis varian and one way kovarian analysis with F-test. This research is catagorized in experiment research with “post test only control group design” plan. The population in this research was the whole of students grade X in SMAK Thomas Aquino Tangeb. Wich was consist of two group of students. The sampling technic that was used to take the samples was random sampling. One group acted as experiment group ( the group that was gotten blenden character eduacation approach) and the other group acted as control group (the group that was gotten conventional method). The result shows that (1) the difference of students ability in history between the those who got Blended character education approach and those who got conventional method in SMAK Thomas Aquino Tangeb, Mengwi, Badung F= 10, 466 with signification = 0, 002 (p< 0,05), (2) the defference of student ability in history between those who got blended character education approach and those who got conventional method afterr the control of variable impact of earlier knowladge in F= 14,369 and (3) the significant and positive contribution between students earlier knowladge and the final ability in History of SMAK Thomas Aquino Tangeb, Mengwi,badung with 39,1% contribution through the regression similarity line Y= 14,721+1,048 X.
keyword : character education approach, conventional method, earlier knowladge, result.
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