I WAYAN CENIK ., Prof. Dr. Anak Agung Gede Agung,M.Pd ., Prof. Dr. I Made Yudana,M.Pd .


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui efektivitas program BOS SMA di SMA Negeri Kabupaten Karangasem dalam rangka mendukung Pendidikan Menengah Universal, yang dilakukan melalui studi evaluasi terhadap komponen konteks, input, proses dan produk. Penelitian dilakukan di sembilan SMA Negeri Kabupaten Karangasem dengan subjek penelitian berjumlah 153 responden yang ditentukan dengan teknik purposive sampling. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan metode kuisioner tertutup dengan tambahan kuisioner terbuka khusus untuk kepala sekolah dan pencatatan dokumen. Data dianalisis dengan statistik deskriptif menggunakan skor standar (z-skor) yang ditransformasikan ke dalam T-skor dan selanjutnya diverivikasi ke dalam prototype kuadran dari Glickman. Dari hasil analisis data diperoleh prototype variabel konteks, input, proses dan produk dengan posisi CIPP (+ + + -) di kuadran III. Berdasarkan hasil temuan ini disimpulkan bahwa pelaksanaan program BOS SMA di SMA Negeri Kabupaten Karangasem dalam rangka mendukung Pendidikan Menengah Universal tergolong cukup efektif.
Kata Kunci : Efektivitas, BOS SMA, Pendidikan Menengah Universal, CIPP.

This study aims to determine the effectiveness of the School Operational Assistance Fund for Senior High School Program (BOS SMA) at Sate Senior High School in Karangasem regency in order to support the Universal Secondary Education is done through the study of the components evaluation context, input, process and product. The study was conducted in nine Sate Senior High School in Karangasem regency with research subjects totaling 153 respondents were determined by purposive sampling technique. The data collection was conducted by using a closed questionnaire and with an additional opened questionnaire specifically given for the principal and by recording the documents. The data were analyzed by descriptive statistics using the standard scores (z-score) and transformed into T-scores were subsequently verified in a prototype quadrant of Glickman. From the analysis of the data obtained prototype variables context, input, process and product with the position of CIPP (+ + + -) in quadrant III. Based on these findings concluded that the implementation of the School Operational Assistance Fund for Senior High School Program (BOS SMA) at Sate Senior High School in Karangasem regency in order to support the Universal Secondary Education is quite effective.ve.
keyword : Effectiveness, BOS SMA, Universal Secondary Education, CIPP.

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.23887/japi.v5i1.1454


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