Kontribusi Supervisi Akademik Kepala Sekolah, Kinerja Guru, dan Lingkungan Kerja terhadap Kualitas Pengelolaan Pembelajaran pada Guru SMP di Kuta Utara Badung
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kontribusi supervisi akademik kepala sekolah, kinerja guru, dan lingkungan kerja terhadap kualitas pengelolaan pembelajaran pada guru SMP di Kuta Utara Badung baik secara terpisah maupun secara simultan. Pendekatan penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini tergolong penelitian ex post facto. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah semua guru pada SMP di Kuta Utara Badung yang berjumlah 145 guru. Sampel dalam penelitian ini diambil dengan teknik random sampling, dengan ukuran sampel sebanyak 100 guru. Pengumpulan data disaring dengan menyebarkan kuesioner. Metode analisis data yang digunakan adalah dengan metode regresi sederhana, regresi ganda, korelasi ganda, dan korelasi parsial. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa: (1) terdapat kontribusi supervisi akademik terhadap kualitas pengelolaan pembelajaran pada SMP di Kuta Utara Badung dengan kontribusi sebesar 35,1%, (2) terdapat kontribusi kinerja guru terhadap kualitas pengelolaan pembelajaran pada SMP di Kuta Utara Badung dengan kontribusi sebesar 21,6%, (3) terdapat kontribusi lingkungan kerja terhadap kualitas pengelolaan pembelajaran pada SMP di Kuta Utara Badung dengan kontribusi sebesar 37,9%, dan (4) terdapat kontribusi supervisi akademik, kinerja guru, dan lingkungan kerja pada SMP di Kuta Utara Badung terhadap kualitas pengelolaan pembelajaran dengan kontribusi sebesar 35,1%. Berdasarkan temuan tersebut dapat disimpulkan bahwa terdapat kontribusi yang signifikan supervisi akademik kepala sekolah, kinerja guru, dan lingkungan kerja terhadap kualitas pengelolaan pembelajaran pada guru SMP di Kuta Utara Badung baik secara terpisah maupun secara simultan.
Kata Kunci : supervisi akademik kepala sekolah, kinerja guru, lingkungan kerja, dan kualitas pengelolaan pembelajaran
The objective of this study was to determine the contribution of principal’s academic supervision, teacher’s performance, work environment, and towards quality of learning management of SMP teachers at Kuta Utara Badung. This research belonged to studies on the subject of quantitative research approaches, research conducted of this research are classified as ex post facto. The populations of the subjects study were teachers of of SMP teachers at Kuta Utara Badung, amounting to 145 teachers. Samples in this study were taken with a random sampling technique, the sample size by 100 teachers. Data are collected using questionnaire. Simple regression, multiple regressions, multiple correlation and partial correlation are carried out in analyzing data. The results show that: (1) there is a contribution of principal’s academic supervision towards the quality of learning management of SMP teachers at Kuta Utara Badung with a contribution equal to 35.1%, (2) there is a contribution teacher’s performance towards the quality of learning management of SMP teachers at Kuta Utara Badung with a contribution equal to 21.6%, (3) there is a contribution work environment towards the quality of learning management of SMP teachers at Kuta Utara Badung with a contribution equal to 37.9%, and (4) there is a contribution of principal’s academic supervision, teacher’s performance, and work environment, towards quality of learning management of SMP teachers at Kuta Utara Badung with a contribution equal to 35.1%. Based on these findings we can conclude that there is a significant contribution of principal’s academic supervision, teacher’s performance, and work environment towards quality of learning management of SMP teachers at Kuta Utara Badung either separately or simultaneously.
keyword : principal’s academic supervision, teacher’s performance, work environment, quality of learning management.
Kata Kunci : supervisi akademik kepala sekolah, kinerja guru, lingkungan kerja, dan kualitas pengelolaan pembelajaran
The objective of this study was to determine the contribution of principal’s academic supervision, teacher’s performance, work environment, and towards quality of learning management of SMP teachers at Kuta Utara Badung. This research belonged to studies on the subject of quantitative research approaches, research conducted of this research are classified as ex post facto. The populations of the subjects study were teachers of of SMP teachers at Kuta Utara Badung, amounting to 145 teachers. Samples in this study were taken with a random sampling technique, the sample size by 100 teachers. Data are collected using questionnaire. Simple regression, multiple regressions, multiple correlation and partial correlation are carried out in analyzing data. The results show that: (1) there is a contribution of principal’s academic supervision towards the quality of learning management of SMP teachers at Kuta Utara Badung with a contribution equal to 35.1%, (2) there is a contribution teacher’s performance towards the quality of learning management of SMP teachers at Kuta Utara Badung with a contribution equal to 21.6%, (3) there is a contribution work environment towards the quality of learning management of SMP teachers at Kuta Utara Badung with a contribution equal to 37.9%, and (4) there is a contribution of principal’s academic supervision, teacher’s performance, and work environment, towards quality of learning management of SMP teachers at Kuta Utara Badung with a contribution equal to 35.1%. Based on these findings we can conclude that there is a significant contribution of principal’s academic supervision, teacher’s performance, and work environment towards quality of learning management of SMP teachers at Kuta Utara Badung either separately or simultaneously.
keyword : principal’s academic supervision, teacher’s performance, work environment, quality of learning management.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.23887/japi.v6i1.1721
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Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha

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