Suastika, Ni Luh Putu (2011). Determination of Working Ethos, Working Environment and Self-Concept Towards Working Satisfaction of the Teachers at SMP Negeri 1 Manggis. Thesis. Educational Administration, Postgraduate Program, Ganesha University of Education.
This thesis had been corrected and verified by:
The first supervisor: Prof. Dr. Nyoman Dantes, and
The second supervisor: Prof. Dr. Gde Anggan Suhandana.
Key-words: working ethos, working environment, self-concept, working satisfaction
The study aimed at understanding the factors determining the teachers’ working ethos at SMP Negeri 1 Manggis.
The results of descriptive analysis and hypothesis testing indicated that: (1) the teachers’ working ethos provided a significant determination towards teachers’ working satisfaction development. Working ethos determined 53% towards the development of working satisfaction with regression equation Ŷ=98.747+0.370X 1.s . (2) There was a significant determination of the teachers’ working environment towards their working satisfaction. The teachers’ working environment determined 46.8% towards the development of their working satisfaction with regression equation Ŷ=103.060+0.419X2. (3) The teachers’ self-concept provided a significant determination towards their working satisfaction. The teachers’ self-concept provided determining value of 32.9% towards their working satisfaction with equation regression of Ŷ=99.316+0.372X3.
The teachers’ working ethos, their working environment, as well as their self-concept provided a significant determination simultaneously towards development of their working satisfaction. The teachers’ working ethos, their working environment, as well as their self-concept simultaneously provided determining value of 58.1% towards development of their working satisfaction with regression equation of Ŷ=56.738+0.209X1 +0.280X2+0.215X3 as well as working ethos effective determination of 17.1%, working environment effective determination of 21.8%, and self-concept effective determination=19.2%.
Based on the findings there were several recommendations, like: (1) for the teachers of SMP Negeri 1 Manggis, the results of the study provided valuable illustration that could be used as feedback to improve their working performances, that all related job could be done maximally. (2) for the school headmaster, the findings of the study could be used as an important step to develop a strategy in improving the teachers’ working ethos, their better working environment, as well as their higher self-concept to improve their working satisfaction at SMP Negeri 1 Manggis. (3) for the Regional Department of Education in Karangasem, it could be used a reference as to predict the related social phenomena with the current changes in the community.DOI:
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