Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menginvestigasi penggunaan umpan koreksi umpan balik oleh guru yang berdeda gender and respon siswa terhadap koreksi umpan balik yang diberikan guru. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian kualitatif dalam bentuk induksi analitikal. Peneliatian ini melibatkan empat guru dari Universitas Dhyana Pura. Mereka terdiri dari dua guru laki-laki dan dua guru perempuan serta dua puluh empat siswa. Untuk mengumpulkan data, empat instrumen berbeda digunakan. meliputi : petunjuk wawancara, kuestioner guru, kuestioner siswa dan lembar observasi. Dari analisis data ditemukan: (1). Tidak ada perbedaan yang berarti pada cara guru dalam memberikan koreksi umpan balik kepada siswa yabg berbeda gender, namun ditemukan perbedaan pada cara guru lali-laki dan perempuan dalm memberikan koreksi. (2). Dari data analisi juga ditemukan bahwa 72.5 % eror selama penelitian dikoreksi saat error itu terjadi, sedangkan 27.5 % error lainnya dikoreksi beberapa saat setelah eror terjadi. (3). Dari semua jenis koreksi umpan balik yang digunakan guru, koreksi eksplisitlah yang paling banyak digunakan, persentasenya mencapai 41.22%. (4). Dari semua respon siswa yang muncul selama penelitian, respon siswa yang dengan benar dapat membperbaiki error mereka muncul paling banyak, persentasenya mencapai 48.09%.
Kata Kunci : gender, koreksi umpan balik, koreksi langsung, koreksi tertunda dan respon siswa
This study was attempted to investigate the use of corrective feedback by different gender of teacher and the learners’ uptake toward the corrective feedback given. This study was qualitative study. The study involved four teachers from Dhyana Pura University. Those teachers consisted of two male and to female teachers and twenty four students. To gain the data the researcher used four kinds of instruments; interview guide, teacher questionnaire, students’ questionnaire and observation sheet. From the data analysis it was found that (1). There was no significant difference in teachers’ way in giving corrective feedback to difference genders of students. (2). from the data analysis, it was also found out that 72.5 % of the error occurs during the data gathering was given immediate corrective feedback and the rest 27.5% of the error was given delayed corrective feedback (3). It was found out that explicit correction was the types of corrective feedback which was used most frequent; its percentage covered 41.22% (4). From all the uptake appeared in this study, uptake inform of repaired appeared frequently. The percentage was 48.09%.
keyword : gender, corrective feedback, immediate correction, delayed correction, learners’ uptake
Kata Kunci : gender, koreksi umpan balik, koreksi langsung, koreksi tertunda dan respon siswa
This study was attempted to investigate the use of corrective feedback by different gender of teacher and the learners’ uptake toward the corrective feedback given. This study was qualitative study. The study involved four teachers from Dhyana Pura University. Those teachers consisted of two male and to female teachers and twenty four students. To gain the data the researcher used four kinds of instruments; interview guide, teacher questionnaire, students’ questionnaire and observation sheet. From the data analysis it was found that (1). There was no significant difference in teachers’ way in giving corrective feedback to difference genders of students. (2). from the data analysis, it was also found out that 72.5 % of the error occurs during the data gathering was given immediate corrective feedback and the rest 27.5% of the error was given delayed corrective feedback (3). It was found out that explicit correction was the types of corrective feedback which was used most frequent; its percentage covered 41.22% (4). From all the uptake appeared in this study, uptake inform of repaired appeared frequently. The percentage was 48.09%.
keyword : gender, corrective feedback, immediate correction, delayed correction, learners’ uptake
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