Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan model pembelajaran kooperatif dengan menerapkan Learning Supervision dalam mengajarkan kemampuan membaca pada kelas 8 di SMP Harapan Nusantara Denpasar. Penelitian ini merupakan peneliatian dan pengembangan (R&D). Penemuan dalam peneliatian ini digunakan untuk merancang sebuah produk dan suatu prosedur, yang mana produk tersebut diuji coba, dievaluasi dan direvisi. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian Deskripsi kualitatif. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa: (1) implementasi dari pembelajaran kooperatif di kelas 8 di SMP Harapan Nusantara Denpasar tidak berjalan dengan baik. (2) pembelajaran kooperatif yang perlu dikembangkan adalah pembelajaran kooperatif yang mengimplementasilkan Learning Supervision. (3) Pelaksanaan pembelajaran kooperatif yang mengimplementasikan Learning Supervision menunjukan hasil yang baik dan pembelajaran tersebut sangat efektif dalam meningkatkan kemampuan membaca kelas 8 di SMP Harapan Nusantara Denpasar. (4) peneliti, guru dan juga para siswa memberikan persetujuan yang sangat kuat tentang keberhasilan dari pelaksanaan pembelajaran kooperatif yang mengimplementasikan Learning Supervision dalam meningkatkan kemampuan siswa dalam berdiskusi dan dalam kemampuan membaca, dan juga membantu guru ketika melaksankan strategi ini.
Kata Kunci : Pembelajaran kooperatif, Learning Supervision, Kemampuan membaca.
This study attempted to develop the model of cooperative learning which implements Learning Supervision in teaching reading for eighth grade students of SMP Harapan Nusantara Denpasar. The study is called research and development (R&D). The finding of this study was used to design new product and procedures, where it was systematically field tested, evaluated, and refined. This study is descriptive qualitative research. The result of the analysis showed that: (1) The implementation of cooperative learning in eighth year of junior high school in SMP Harapan Nusantara Denpasar was still not implemented well. (2) The cooperative learning which is needed to be developed is the cooperative learning which implements Learning Supervision. (3) The implementation of the cooperative learning which implements Learning Supervision showed positive result and it was effective in improving the eighth year students’ reading comprehension in SMP Harapan Nusantara Denpasar. (4) The researcher, the teacher and also the students gave a strong agreement toward the implementation of cooperative learning which implements Learning Supervision in improving the skills of the students in discussion and also their reading comprehension, and also helping the teacher when implement the strategy.
keyword : Cooperative Learning, Learning Supervision, Reading Comprehension.
Kata Kunci : Pembelajaran kooperatif, Learning Supervision, Kemampuan membaca.
This study attempted to develop the model of cooperative learning which implements Learning Supervision in teaching reading for eighth grade students of SMP Harapan Nusantara Denpasar. The study is called research and development (R&D). The finding of this study was used to design new product and procedures, where it was systematically field tested, evaluated, and refined. This study is descriptive qualitative research. The result of the analysis showed that: (1) The implementation of cooperative learning in eighth year of junior high school in SMP Harapan Nusantara Denpasar was still not implemented well. (2) The cooperative learning which is needed to be developed is the cooperative learning which implements Learning Supervision. (3) The implementation of the cooperative learning which implements Learning Supervision showed positive result and it was effective in improving the eighth year students’ reading comprehension in SMP Harapan Nusantara Denpasar. (4) The researcher, the teacher and also the students gave a strong agreement toward the implementation of cooperative learning which implements Learning Supervision in improving the skills of the students in discussion and also their reading comprehension, and also helping the teacher when implement the strategy.
keyword : Cooperative Learning, Learning Supervision, Reading Comprehension.
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