Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui: 1) pengaruh model pembelajaran kooperatif tipe STAD terhadap pemahaman isi bacaan berbasis teks cerita bahasa Indonesia, 2) adanya pengaruh model pembelajaran kooperatif tipe STAD terhadap pemahaman isi bacaan berbasis teks cerita bahasa Indonesia pada siswa yang memiliki motivasi berprestasi tinggi, 3) adanya pengaruh model pembelajaran kooperatif tipe STAD terhadap pemahaman isi bacaan berbasis teks cerita bahasa Indonesia pada siswa yang memiliki motivasi berprestasi rendah, dan 4) adanya pengaruh interaksi antara model pembelajaran dan motivasi berprestasi terhadap pemahaman isi bacaan berbasis teks cerita bahasa Indonesia. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kuasi eksperimen. Sampel terdiri atas kelas X MM1 dan X AK1 sebagai eksperimen dan kelas X MM2 dan X AP2 sebagai kontrol.Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan kuesioner motivasi berprestasi dan tes objektif untuk peroleh nilai prestasi pemahaman isi bacaan berbasis teks cerita bahasa Indonesia pada kelas X SMK Negeri 1 Klungkung tahun Pelajaran 2014/2015. Instrumen yang disusun dikalibrasi untuk mengetahui validitasnya dan realibilitasnya, pengolahan data dilakukan dengan analisis anava dua jalur
Kata Kunci : Pembelajaran Kooperatif tipe Jigsaw, motivasi berprestasi, pemahaman isi bacaan berbasis teks cerita bahasa Indonesia
This rescarch is intended to know :1) the influence of cooperative learning model type STAD due to understanding the content of the text based on story text Indonesian .2) then influence of cooperative learning model type STAD due to understanding the content of the text based of Indonesian story text on the student having high achievement motivation .3) the influence of cooperative learning model type STAD due to understanding the content of the reading text based on Indonesian story text on the students having low achievement motivation.and 4) the influence of interection between learning model and achievement motivation due to the understanding the content of reading text based on the Indonesian story text.thisrescarch is quarionexperiment.the samples are grade XMM1. and X Ak1 as the experiment and grade XMM2 and X AP2 as the control.The collection of the data was done by questioner motivation achievement and objective test to achievgain the mark of achievement of understanding the content of reading text based on Indonesian story text on grade X SMK N 1 Klungkung in the academic year 2014/2015. The instrument was arranged to know the validity and realibility, the data management was done by analysis of anava two track
keyword : cooperative learning model type STAD, text based on story text Indonesian, motivation
Kata Kunci : Pembelajaran Kooperatif tipe Jigsaw, motivasi berprestasi, pemahaman isi bacaan berbasis teks cerita bahasa Indonesia
This rescarch is intended to know :1) the influence of cooperative learning model type STAD due to understanding the content of the text based on story text Indonesian .2) then influence of cooperative learning model type STAD due to understanding the content of the text based of Indonesian story text on the student having high achievement motivation .3) the influence of cooperative learning model type STAD due to understanding the content of the reading text based on Indonesian story text on the students having low achievement motivation.and 4) the influence of interection between learning model and achievement motivation due to the understanding the content of reading text based on the Indonesian story text.thisrescarch is quarionexperiment.the samples are grade XMM1. and X Ak1 as the experiment and grade XMM2 and X AP2 as the control.The collection of the data was done by questioner motivation achievement and objective test to achievgain the mark of achievement of understanding the content of reading text based on Indonesian story text on grade X SMK N 1 Klungkung in the academic year 2014/2015. The instrument was arranged to know the validity and realibility, the data management was done by analysis of anava two track
keyword : cooperative learning model type STAD, text based on story text Indonesian, motivation
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