Penelitian ini bertujuan mendeskripsikan dan menjelaskan 1) penerapan prinsip kerja sama dan kesantunan pada siswa dalam pembelajaran bahasa Indonesia dengan pendekatan saintifk, 2) dampak penerapan prinsip kerja sama dan kesantunan pada pembelajaran bahasa Indonesia dengan pendekatan saintifik. Subjek penelitiannya adalah siswa kelas IV SD Jembatan Budaya, sedangkan objek penelitiannya adalah penerapan prinsip kerja sama dan prinsip kesantunan pada pembelajaran bahasa Indonesia dengan pendekatan saintifik. Metode yang digunakan untuk mengumpulkan data adalah 1)metode observasi, 2) metode wawancara. Data dianalisis dengan tahapan, yaitu 1)reduksi data, 2) penyajian data, 3)penyimpulan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan 1) penerapan prinsip kerjasama dan prinsip kesantunan meliputi maksim relevansi (72,6%), maksim kualitas (15,3%), dan maksim penghargaan (12,1%). Kemunculan jenis maksim yang paling mendominasi adalah maksim relevansi, 2) dampak yang muncul terhadap penerapan prinsip kerja sama dan prinsip kesantunan, yaitu dampak positif berupa keseriusan siswa dalam mengikuti pembelajaran dan kemampuan siswa dalam bersosialisasi dengan kelompok lain, selanjunya dampak negatifnya, yaitu tuturan siswa yang masih kurang sopan dan kurang memerhatikan norma-norma kesantunan dalam bertutur. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, dapat disimpulkan bahwa penerapan prinsip kerja sama dan prinsip kesantunan telah diaksanakan dengan baik. Namun, siswa masih perlu memerhatikan norma-norma kesantunan dalam bertutur. Temuan penelitian ini diharapkan mampu memberikan masukan bagi perkembangan kajian tindak tutur yang berkaitan dengan prinsip kerja sama dan prinsip kesantunan khususnya dalam konteks pembelajaran di kelas.
Kata Kunci : Prinsip Kerja Sama, Prinsip Kesantunan, Pendekatan Saintifik
The purpose of this research is to describe and illustrate; the principle application of cooperation and students’ politeness in process of learning Indonesian language study by using a scientific approach, the impacts by applying the principle application of cooperation and students’ politeness in process of learning Indonesian language study by using a scientific approach. Subject of the research are students of year IV Jembatan Budaya Primary School, while the object of this research is the principle application of cooperation and students’ politeness in process of learning Indonesian language study by using a scientific approach. The following are methods that are applied to collect the data research; 1)observation, and interview. The collected data will be analyzed by the following steps; reduction, presentation, and conclusion. The result of the research will present, 1) the principal applicatiom of cooperation and politeness, which are followed by maxim of relevance (72,6%), maxim of quality (15,3%), maxim of reward (12,1%). The dominant maxim that will occur is the maxim of relevance, 2) the impact that affects the principal application of teamwork and behavior, which is the positif impact of the students concern in following the learning process, and the ability of students to socialize with among the teams, in the other side the negative impact that will occur is refered to the impoliteness of the students conversation. Based on the research result, it can be concluded that the application of the principles of cooperation and politeness principle has been implemented. However, students still need to pay attention to the norms of politeness in speak. Findings of this study are expected to provide input of speech acts related to cooperative principle and politemess principle, especially in the context of classroom learning.
keyword : principle of cooperation, The principle of politeness, Scientific research
Kata Kunci : Prinsip Kerja Sama, Prinsip Kesantunan, Pendekatan Saintifik
The purpose of this research is to describe and illustrate; the principle application of cooperation and students’ politeness in process of learning Indonesian language study by using a scientific approach, the impacts by applying the principle application of cooperation and students’ politeness in process of learning Indonesian language study by using a scientific approach. Subject of the research are students of year IV Jembatan Budaya Primary School, while the object of this research is the principle application of cooperation and students’ politeness in process of learning Indonesian language study by using a scientific approach. The following are methods that are applied to collect the data research; 1)observation, and interview. The collected data will be analyzed by the following steps; reduction, presentation, and conclusion. The result of the research will present, 1) the principal applicatiom of cooperation and politeness, which are followed by maxim of relevance (72,6%), maxim of quality (15,3%), maxim of reward (12,1%). The dominant maxim that will occur is the maxim of relevance, 2) the impact that affects the principal application of teamwork and behavior, which is the positif impact of the students concern in following the learning process, and the ability of students to socialize with among the teams, in the other side the negative impact that will occur is refered to the impoliteness of the students conversation. Based on the research result, it can be concluded that the application of the principles of cooperation and politeness principle has been implemented. However, students still need to pay attention to the norms of politeness in speak. Findings of this study are expected to provide input of speech acts related to cooperative principle and politemess principle, especially in the context of classroom learning.
keyword : principle of cooperation, The principle of politeness, Scientific research
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