Penelitian dengan rancangan deskriptif kualitatif ini, bertujuan untuk: (1) untuk mengetahui struktur makro yang mendasari teks berita feature karya siswa kelas VII SMP Budi Utama Kerobokan tahun pelajaran 2013/2014. (2) untuk mengetahui struktur mikro yang digunakan siswa kelas VII SMP Budi Utama Kerobokan tahun pelajaran 2013/2014 untuk menyampaikan gagasan dalam teks berita feature. (3) untuk mengetahui struktur supra yang digunakan siswa kelas VII SMP Budi Utama Kerobokan tahun pelajaran 2013/2014 untuk menyampaikan gagasan dalam teks berita feature. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode dokumentasi untuk mengumpulkan 20 teks berita feature. Struktur makro yang mendasari teks berita feature: adanya topik tentang kisah hidup seseorang. Struktur mikro yang digunakan dalam teks berita feature: adanya latar, detail, nominaliasi, dan kata ganti. Struktur supra yang digunakan dalam teks berita feature: judul, lead, situasi, dan adanya komentar. Simpulkan dari penelitian ini, yaitu struktur Makro yang mendasari teks berita feature adalah unsur topik tentang kisah kehidupan. Struktur mikro yang terletak pada unsur latar, detail, maksud, nominalisasi, kata ganti, ekspresi. Struktur supra yang digunakan secara keseluruhan memiliki masing-masing judul teks berita, lead, story. Saran penelitian sebagai berikut: (1) agar memperhatikan struktur sosial yang membentuk sebuah wacana. (2) agar memperhatikan struktur pembentuk wacana (struktur makro, mikro, dan supra). (3) diharapkan dapat menganalisis teks berita feature dengan ranah yang berbeda. Misalnya, pragmatik, sintaksis, morfologi, dan analisis kebahasaan lainnya.
Kata Kunci : Analisis wacana kritis, teks berita feature
Research with this qualitative descriptive design, aims to: (1) to determine the structure of the underlying macro news text feature works of the seventh grade students of SMP Budi Utama Kerobokan 2013/2014 school year. (2) to determine the microstructure of the used class VII SMP Budi Utama Kerobokan school year 2013/2014 to convey ideas in a text message feature. (3) to determine the structure used supra seventh grade students of SMP Budi Utama Kerobokan school year 2013/2014 to convey ideas in a text message feature. This study uses documentation to collect 20 news text feature. The structure of the underlying macro news text feature: the presence of the topic of the story of one's life. Microstructure that is used in the report text features: the presence of background, detail, nominaliasi, and pronouns. Supra structure used in the report text features: titles, leads, situation, and any comments. Conclude from this study, which is the underlying structure of news text Macro feature is the topic of the story elements of life. Microstructure which is located on the background elements, detail, purpose, nominalizations, pronouns, expressions. Supra structure used as a whole has a text title of each news, leads, story. Suggestions research as follows: (1) to pay attention to the social structures that make up a discourse. (2) to consider the structure-forming discourse (structural macro, micro, and supra). (3) is expected to analyze the text message feature with a different realm. For example, pragmatics, syntax, morphology, and other linguistic analysis.
keyword : critical discourse analysis, text message feature
Kata Kunci : Analisis wacana kritis, teks berita feature
Research with this qualitative descriptive design, aims to: (1) to determine the structure of the underlying macro news text feature works of the seventh grade students of SMP Budi Utama Kerobokan 2013/2014 school year. (2) to determine the microstructure of the used class VII SMP Budi Utama Kerobokan school year 2013/2014 to convey ideas in a text message feature. (3) to determine the structure used supra seventh grade students of SMP Budi Utama Kerobokan school year 2013/2014 to convey ideas in a text message feature. This study uses documentation to collect 20 news text feature. The structure of the underlying macro news text feature: the presence of the topic of the story of one's life. Microstructure that is used in the report text features: the presence of background, detail, nominaliasi, and pronouns. Supra structure used in the report text features: titles, leads, situation, and any comments. Conclude from this study, which is the underlying structure of news text Macro feature is the topic of the story elements of life. Microstructure which is located on the background elements, detail, purpose, nominalizations, pronouns, expressions. Supra structure used as a whole has a text title of each news, leads, story. Suggestions research as follows: (1) to pay attention to the social structures that make up a discourse. (2) to consider the structure-forming discourse (structural macro, micro, and supra). (3) is expected to analyze the text message feature with a different realm. For example, pragmatics, syntax, morphology, and other linguistic analysis.
keyword : critical discourse analysis, text message feature
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