Tujuan penelitian ini adalah 1) mendeskripsikan struktur formal yang terkandung pada kumpulan cerpen karya I.B. Keniten, 2) mendeskripsikan nilai-nilai pendidikan karakter yang terkandung pada kumpulan cerpen karya I.B. Keniten, dan 3) mendeskripsikan pendapat siswa kelas XI SMAN 4 Denpasar mengenai nilai-nilai pendidikan karakter pada kumpulan cerpen karya I.B. Keniten. Penelitian ini menggunakan rancangan deskriptif kualitatif. Subjek penelitian adalah kumpulan cerpen karya I.B. Keniten dan 72 siswa kelas XI SMAN 4 Denpasar. Metode yang digunakan untuk mengumpulkan data adalah 1) metode dokumentasi dan 2) metode angket/kuesioner. Data dianalisis dengan tahapan, di antaranya 1) reduksi data, 2) penyajian data, dan 3) penyimpulan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa: 1) cerpen yang dibuat I.B. Keniten memiliki kualitas sastra yang baik. Hal ini terlihat dari adanya satu kesatuan yang utuh antar unsur yang membangun cerpen tersebut. Hal ini dibuktikkan, tema yang diangkat dalam cerpen sebagian besar mengandung nilai pendidikan karakter, 2) kumpulan cerpen karya I.B. Keniten mengandung beberapa nilai yang terkandung dalam 18 nilai karakter bangsa, yaitu relegius, jujur, toleransi, disiplin, kerja keras, kreatif, mandiri, demokratis, rasa ingin tahu, semangat kebangsaan, cinta tanah air, menghargai prestasi, bersahabat/komunikatif, cinta damai, peduli lingkungan dan sosial, serta tanggung jawab. Dari beberapa komponen nilai pendidikan karakter di atas, nilai agama dan kejujuran yang paling dominan, dan 3) pendapat siswa terhadap nilai-nilai pendidikan karakter pada kumpulan cerpen karya I.B. Keniten dalam pembelajaran cerpen adalah sesuai dengan bahan pembelajaran sastra, yaitu kelas XI MIA 1 dengan rata-rata 79,79% dan kelas XI IIS 1 dengan rata-rata 76,92% sehingga kumpulan cerpen karya I.B. Keniten dapat dijadikan salah satu alternatif pembelajaran cerpen di sekolah.
Kata Kunci : analisis hermeneutik, nilai karakter, cerpen.
The purposes of this research are; 1) to describe the formal structure included in a short story compilation written by I. B. Keniten; 2) to describe the Values of Character Education in Short Story Compilation written by I.B Keniten; and 3) to describe the opinions of students in grade XI SMAN 4 Denpasar toward the Values of Character Education in Short Story Compilation written by I.B Keniten. This research used a descriptive qualitative research method. The subject of this study is short story compilation written by I.B. Keniten and 72 students in grade XI SMAN 4 Denpasar. The method used this research is 1) documentation method and questionnaires method. Data are analyzed by following some stages namely 1) data reduction, 2) data presentation, and 3) data interpretation. The result of this research revealed that: 1) the short stories written by I B. Keniten contains a good quality of literature value. This can be seen from the presence of a good and solid unity among the elements constructing those short stories. Moreover, this can be proved as the themes used by I.B Keniten mostly contain Values of Character Education. 2) Short Story Compilation written by I.B Keniten contains values of 18 National Character Values such as religious, honest, tolerant, discipline, hard working, creative, autonomous, democratic, curious, nationalism, loving country, appreciating achievement,friendly/communicative, loving peace, caring social and environment, and responsible. Among all those values of character education, Religious and honest are the most dominating values appear in the short story compilation by I.B Keniten. 3) Mostly, students argued that the values of character education contained within short story compilation written by I.B Keniten in Learning Short Stories are appropriate suitable with literature education maetrial. This can be seen from the average score of class XI MIA 1 with average score of 79,79% and class XI IIS 1 with average score 76,92%. Therefore, it can be concluded that short stories compilation written by I.B Keniten can be used as an alternative short story teaching material at school.
keyword : Hermeneutic Analyses, Values of Character, Short Story
Kata Kunci : analisis hermeneutik, nilai karakter, cerpen.
The purposes of this research are; 1) to describe the formal structure included in a short story compilation written by I. B. Keniten; 2) to describe the Values of Character Education in Short Story Compilation written by I.B Keniten; and 3) to describe the opinions of students in grade XI SMAN 4 Denpasar toward the Values of Character Education in Short Story Compilation written by I.B Keniten. This research used a descriptive qualitative research method. The subject of this study is short story compilation written by I.B. Keniten and 72 students in grade XI SMAN 4 Denpasar. The method used this research is 1) documentation method and questionnaires method. Data are analyzed by following some stages namely 1) data reduction, 2) data presentation, and 3) data interpretation. The result of this research revealed that: 1) the short stories written by I B. Keniten contains a good quality of literature value. This can be seen from the presence of a good and solid unity among the elements constructing those short stories. Moreover, this can be proved as the themes used by I.B Keniten mostly contain Values of Character Education. 2) Short Story Compilation written by I.B Keniten contains values of 18 National Character Values such as religious, honest, tolerant, discipline, hard working, creative, autonomous, democratic, curious, nationalism, loving country, appreciating achievement,friendly/communicative, loving peace, caring social and environment, and responsible. Among all those values of character education, Religious and honest are the most dominating values appear in the short story compilation by I.B Keniten. 3) Mostly, students argued that the values of character education contained within short story compilation written by I.B Keniten in Learning Short Stories are appropriate suitable with literature education maetrial. This can be seen from the average score of class XI MIA 1 with average score of 79,79% and class XI IIS 1 with average score 76,92%. Therefore, it can be concluded that short stories compilation written by I.B Keniten can be used as an alternative short story teaching material at school.
keyword : Hermeneutic Analyses, Values of Character, Short Story
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