Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pemerolehan bahasa Indonesia pada tataran fonologi, morfologi, sintaksis, dan semantik pada anak usia dini yang berusia 2 – 5 tahun di Desa Beraban Kecamatan Kediri, Tabanan. Untuk mendapatkan hasil yang akurat, perlu adanya metode-metode penelitian yang akurat pula. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif. Data dalam penelitian ini dikumpulkan menggunakan metode observasi dengan teknik rekam dan catat kemudian dianalisis menggunakan dengan cara mengumpulkan data melalui observasi dan dokumentasi percakapan yang dilakukan oleh anak usia dini ke dalam kartu data kemudian mendeskripsikan hasil data serta menyimpulkan hasil analisis data. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa: (1) Anak usia 2 dan 3 tahun memperoleh bunyi vokal /a/, /i/, /u/, /e/, /o/,dan / / serta bunyi konsonan yang muncul yaitu /b/, /c/,/d/,/g/,/j/,/l/,/m/,/n/,/p/,/t/ juga mengalami perubahan bunyi /r/ diucapkan /l/ , /s/ diucapkan /c/ dan bunyi /au/ menjadi /o/ sedangkan pada anak yang berusia 4 - 5 tahun sudah memperoleh semua bunyi vokal dan bunyi konsonan kecuali bunyi /r/ yang frekuensinya jarang. (2) Anak usia dua tahun dalam pemerolehan morfologi belum memperoleh kata yang mendapatkan proses afiksasi serta muncul morfem yang tidak utuh sedangkan pada anak yang berusia 3 – 4 tahun sudah muncul morfem yang utuh dan prefiks {meN-} dan usia 5 tahun lebih banyak muncul pemerolehan afiksasi. (3) Pada tataran sintaksis, anak yang berusia 2-3 tahun hanya memperoleh ujaran satu kata, sedangkan anak yang berumur 4-5 tahun sudah memperoleh satu kalimat tunggal yaitu K-S-P-O (4) Pada tataran semantik hampir semua ujaran anak mengandung makna denotatif, hanya ada dua kalimat yang muncul dengan makna konotatif. Berdasarkan temuan tersebut dapat disimpulkan, bahwa anak-anak usia dini di desa Beraban Kecamatan Kediri, Tabanan, memperoleh fonologi, morfologi, sintaksis dan semantik secara bertahap yang sesuai dengan usianya dan mulai dari yang sederhana hingga yang kompleks.
Kata Kunci : pemerolehan fonologi, morfologi, sintaksis, dan semantik
This study aims to analyze the Indonesian acquisition at the level of phonology, morphology, syntax and semantics in early childhood aged 2-5 years in the Village Beraban Kediri subdistrict, Tabanan. This study was designed in the form of qualitative research. The data in this study were collected using the method of observation with recording techniques and record. The results showed that: (1) children aged 2 and 3 years has gained the vowels / a /, / i /, / u /, / e /, / /, and / o / and consonant sounds that appear ie / b / , / c /, / d /, / g /, / j /, / l /, / m /, / n /, / p /, / t / is also changing the sound / r / is pronounced / l / and / s / pronounced / c / and sound / au / to / o /, while in children aged 4 and 5 years already acquired all vowel and consonant sounds except the sound / r / is sometimes clearly audible. (2) children aged two years in the acquisition of morphology that have not received word as well as emerging morpheme affixation process is not complete, while in children aged 3-4 years has appeared intact and the prefix morpheme {MeN-} and 5 years of age appear more acquisition affixation. (3) at the level of syntax, children aged 2-3 years only obtain holofrase speech, while children aged 4-5 years have gained a single sentence that is KSPO (4) at the level of semantic nearly all children contain denotative utterances, there is only two sentences appear with connotative meaning. Based on these findings it can be concluded, that the children in the village early age Beraban District of Kediri, Tabanan, acquire phonology, morphology, syntax and semantics in stages in accordance with the age and began the simple to the complex
keyword : acquisition phonology, morphology, syntax, and semantics
Kata Kunci : pemerolehan fonologi, morfologi, sintaksis, dan semantik
This study aims to analyze the Indonesian acquisition at the level of phonology, morphology, syntax and semantics in early childhood aged 2-5 years in the Village Beraban Kediri subdistrict, Tabanan. This study was designed in the form of qualitative research. The data in this study were collected using the method of observation with recording techniques and record. The results showed that: (1) children aged 2 and 3 years has gained the vowels / a /, / i /, / u /, / e /, / /, and / o / and consonant sounds that appear ie / b / , / c /, / d /, / g /, / j /, / l /, / m /, / n /, / p /, / t / is also changing the sound / r / is pronounced / l / and / s / pronounced / c / and sound / au / to / o /, while in children aged 4 and 5 years already acquired all vowel and consonant sounds except the sound / r / is sometimes clearly audible. (2) children aged two years in the acquisition of morphology that have not received word as well as emerging morpheme affixation process is not complete, while in children aged 3-4 years has appeared intact and the prefix morpheme {MeN-} and 5 years of age appear more acquisition affixation. (3) at the level of syntax, children aged 2-3 years only obtain holofrase speech, while children aged 4-5 years have gained a single sentence that is KSPO (4) at the level of semantic nearly all children contain denotative utterances, there is only two sentences appear with connotative meaning. Based on these findings it can be concluded, that the children in the village early age Beraban District of Kediri, Tabanan, acquire phonology, morphology, syntax and semantics in stages in accordance with the age and began the simple to the complex
keyword : acquisition phonology, morphology, syntax, and semantics
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