Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan ketepatan pengambilan KD berdasarkan KI, kecocokan KD dengan indikator, kesesuaian langkah-langkah pembelajaran dengan model pembelajaran, kecocokan soal dengan indikator, dan pengembangan rubrik soal yang dibuat dalam RPP kelas VIII.1 semester 1 SMP Nusa Dua. Penelitian ini dirancang menggunakan analisis deskriptif kualitatif dengan sumber data yang di dapat dari RPP Bahasa Indonesia Kelas VIII SMP Nusa Dua Badung tahun pelajaran 2014/2015.Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah dokumentasi dan wawancara. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Ketepatan pengambilan KD berdasarkan KI dalam 3 RPP sudah sesuai. Kesemua butir KD itu sudah mencerminkan empat KI. Yang berbunyi kompetensi dasar (KD) dalam silabus berfungsi mengarahkan guru mengenai target yang harus dicapai dalam pembelajaran kompetensi inti (KI). Kecocokan kompetensi dasar (KD) dengan indikator dalam 3 RPP sudah sesuai. Dalam RPP terlihat antara rumusan kompetensi dasar (KD) diambil dari butir indikator. indikator hasil belajar adalah ciri penanda ketercapain kompetensi dasar. Kesesuaian model pembelajaran dengan langkah-langkah pembelajaran belum sesuai. Terlihat bahwa terdapat 4 model pembelajaran dalam salah satu RPP tetapi pada bagian langkah-langkah pembelajaran hanya dicantumkan tiga saja. Model pembelajaran digunakan oleh guru mewujudkan suasana belajar dan proses pembelajaran agar pembelajaran yang diinginkan hendak tercapai. Kecocokan soal dengan indikator dalam RPP sudah tepat. Terlihat dari soal yang dibuat oleh guru sudah mencerminkan cakupan indikator. Ada salah satu RPP yang soalnya membahas tentang teks tertulis dan indikator di RPP tersebut yaitu bunyinya siswa mendeskripsikan gambar yang diperlihatkan oleh guru . Siswa sebagai sarana pencapaian kompetensi dasar dan akan dinilai dengan menggunkan istrumen penilaian yang disusun berdasarkan indikator pencapaian belajar dan tujuan pembelajaran. Pengembangan rubrik soal dalam RPP hanya berupa essay saja dan tidak ada soal yang lain. Dalam RPP guru hanya mencantumkan jawaban disertakan gambar. Kemudian dari sana siswa disuruh mendeskripsikan/menjelaskan dari gambar yang diperlihatkan oleh guru. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa RPP yang dibuat oleh guru bahasa Indonesia kelas VIII semester 1 sudah mengikuti pedoman kurikulum 2013, namun ada beberapa keliruan yang dibuat oleh guru. Guru disarankan lebih sering mengikuti pembekalan atau Musyawarah Guru Pertama Pelajaran (MGMP) kurikulum 2013
Kata Kunci : RPP Guru, Kurikulum 2013, SMP
This present study aims to describe the accuracy decision of basic competence based on the core competence, the compatibility of basic competence and the indicator, the suitability of learning model and the learning steps, the capability of question and indicator, and the development of rubric question that written in the lesson plan of the eighth grade I students of AMP Nusa Dua Badung. This present study was designed by using qualitative descriptive analysis which data sources obtained from the lesson plan of Indonesian of the eighth grade I students in semester I of SMP Nusa Dua Badung in academic years 2014/2015. The data was collected by documenting and interviewing. The results showed that the accuracy decision of basic competence in three lesson plan is appropriate. It showed from the lesson plan that have been studied, in which all items of the basic competence already reflected four core competencies in the curriculum 2013. The compatibility of basic competence and indicator in three lesson plan was appropriate. It wasseen inthe lesson plan betweenthe formulation ofbasic competenceis takenfrom thepointindicator. Therefore, thebasiccompetenciesare appropriateindicators. The suitabilityof learning modeland thelearning stepshave not beenappropriate. It was showed that there arefourmodels oflearninginone of theRPPbuton thelearning stepslistedonlythree. One stepof the fourth learning model wasnotincluded. The compatibilityof questionandindicatorsin the lesson planwere correct. It was seenfrom theproblemcreated bythe teacherreflects thecoverageindicator. There wasoneof lesson planwhichcontained aboutthe writtentextandindicatorsdescribedthat thestudentreadthe imagedisplayed bythe teacherthroughthe media, then thestudent answeredbased ontheir knowledge. The development of rubric question in the lesson plan was onlyessays. Inthe lesson plan, the teacheronly includedanswersandpictures. Then, the studentswere told todescribeandexplain the picture that shownbythe teacher. Thus, it can be concludedthat thelesson plan thatmade byIndonesianteacher of the eighth grade students in semester Ihas followed theguidelinesin curriculum 2013, butthere weresome confusions that made bythe teacher. The teachers were encouraged to active in joining debrie fingor First Teacher Councilin curriculum 2013.
keyword : Teacher lesson plans , curriculum 2013, Junior high school
Kata Kunci : RPP Guru, Kurikulum 2013, SMP
This present study aims to describe the accuracy decision of basic competence based on the core competence, the compatibility of basic competence and the indicator, the suitability of learning model and the learning steps, the capability of question and indicator, and the development of rubric question that written in the lesson plan of the eighth grade I students of AMP Nusa Dua Badung. This present study was designed by using qualitative descriptive analysis which data sources obtained from the lesson plan of Indonesian of the eighth grade I students in semester I of SMP Nusa Dua Badung in academic years 2014/2015. The data was collected by documenting and interviewing. The results showed that the accuracy decision of basic competence in three lesson plan is appropriate. It showed from the lesson plan that have been studied, in which all items of the basic competence already reflected four core competencies in the curriculum 2013. The compatibility of basic competence and indicator in three lesson plan was appropriate. It wasseen inthe lesson plan betweenthe formulation ofbasic competenceis takenfrom thepointindicator. Therefore, thebasiccompetenciesare appropriateindicators. The suitabilityof learning modeland thelearning stepshave not beenappropriate. It was showed that there arefourmodels oflearninginone of theRPPbuton thelearning stepslistedonlythree. One stepof the fourth learning model wasnotincluded. The compatibilityof questionandindicatorsin the lesson planwere correct. It was seenfrom theproblemcreated bythe teacherreflects thecoverageindicator. There wasoneof lesson planwhichcontained aboutthe writtentextandindicatorsdescribedthat thestudentreadthe imagedisplayed bythe teacherthroughthe media, then thestudent answeredbased ontheir knowledge. The development of rubric question in the lesson plan was onlyessays. Inthe lesson plan, the teacheronly includedanswersandpictures. Then, the studentswere told todescribeandexplain the picture that shownbythe teacher. Thus, it can be concludedthat thelesson plan thatmade byIndonesianteacher of the eighth grade students in semester Ihas followed theguidelinesin curriculum 2013, butthere weresome confusions that made bythe teacher. The teachers were encouraged to active in joining debrie fingor First Teacher Councilin curriculum 2013.
keyword : Teacher lesson plans , curriculum 2013, Junior high school
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