Pengaruh Model Pembelajaran Kooperatif T-P-S (Think-Pair-Share) terhadap Kemampuan Berbicara dan Menulis Narasi pada Siswa Penutur Asing di Kelas VII SMP Lentera Kasih.

Ni Putu Desy Damayanthi ., PROF.DR. I NENGAH SUANDI, M.Hum ., PROF.DR. I WAYAN RASNA, MPd. .


Penelitian ini bertujuan mendeskripsikan (1) pengaruh model pembelajaran kooperatif T-P-S (Think- Pair-Share) terhadap kemampuan berbicara bahasa Indonesia siswa penutur asing kelas VII SMP Lentera Kasih, (2) pengaruh model pembelajaran kooperatif T-P-S (Think- Pair-Share) terhadap kemampuan menulis narasi siswa penutur asing kelas VII SMP Lentera Kasih, dan (3) pengaruh model pembelajaran kooperatif T-P-S (Think- Pair-Share) terhadap kemampuan berbicara dan menulis narasi siswa penutur asing kelas VII SMP Lentera Kasih. Rancangan penelitian ini adalah quasi eksperimen, desain penelitiannya adalah One Group Only Pree-Posttest Design. Subjek penelitian yakni seluruh siswa kelas VII SMP Lentera Kasih, jumlah 15 siswa dengan menggunakan teknik intake group. Anggota populasi mendapatkan perlakuan sama yakni pretest dan posttest. Data keterampilan berbicara dikumpulkan dengan metode tes berbicara, data kemampuan menulis narasi diperoleh melalui metode tes. Penelitian ini menggunakan teknik analisis statistik MANOVA. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan (1) terdapat pengaruh model pembelajaran kooperatif T-P-S (Think-Pair-Share) terhadap kemampuan berbicara bahasa Indonesia siswa penutur asing kelas VII SMP Lentera Kasih, (2) terdapat pengaruh pembelajaran kooperatif T-P-S (Think-Pair-Share) terhadap kemampuan menulis narasi siswa penutur asing kelas VII SMP Lentera Kasih, dan (3) terdapat pengaruh model pembelajaran kooperatif T-P-S (Think-Pair-Share) terhadap kemampuan berbicara dan menulis narasi siswa penutur asing kelas VII SMP Lentera Kasih.
Kata Kunci : model pembelajaran kooperatif, berbicara, menulis narasi

This study aims to describe (1) the influence of cooperative learning model T-P-S (Think- Pair-Share) on the ability to speak in Indonesian language for foreign students in grade VII of SMP Lentera Kasih, (2) the influence of cooperative learning model T-P-S (Think- Pair-Share) on the ability to write narrative paragraphs for foreign students in grade VII of SMP Lentera Kasih, and (3) the influence of cooperative learning model T-P-S (Think- Pair-Share) on the ability to speak and write a narrative for foreign students in grade VII of SMP Lentera Kasih. The design of this study is a quasi-experimental design, the study was using the Only One Group Pree-posttest design. The subjects of this experiment are all students in grade VII of SMP Lentera Kasih, the number of the subjects are 15 students selected by using a technique called intake group. Members of the subjects received the same treatment which are pretest and posttest. The speaking data has been collected by the method of speaking skills tests and the writing data were obtained through the narrative writing skills test. This study uses statistical analysis techniques of MANOVA. The results are (1) there is an influence of cooperative learning model T-P-S (Think-Pair-Share) on the ability to speak Indonesian language foreign students in grade VII of SMP Lentera Kasih, (2) there is a significant influence of cooperative learning T-P-S (Think-Pair-Share) on the ability to write narrative paragraphs for foreign students in grade VII of SMP Lentera Kasih, and (3) there is an influence of cooperative learning model T-P-S (Think-Pair-Share) on the ability to speak and write a narrative writing for foreign students in grade VII of SMP Lentera Kasih.
keyword : models cooperative learning, speaking, write narrative


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