Campur Kode Bahasa Guru dan Bahasa Siswa Pada Proses Belajar-Mengajar Bahasa Bali SD Taman Rama Jimbaran



Penelitian deskriptif kualitatif bertujuan mendeskripsikan bentuk, jenis, dan latar belakang campur kode bahasa guru dan bahasa siswa; subjek penelitian seorang guru bahasa Bali, siswa kelas II dan kelas III; objek penelitian bentuk, jenis, dan latar belakang campur kode bahasa guru dan bahasa siswa. Data dicari menggunakan metode dokumentasi dan wawancara dan dianalisis melalui reduksi data, klasifikasi dan penyajian data, penyimpulan dan verifikasi data. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan (1) bentuk campur kode bahasa guru ditemukan 38 tuturan (48,71%) tataran kata, 25 tuturan (32,05%) tataran frasa, dan 15 tuturan (19,23%) tataran klausa; bahasa siswa 9 tuturan (56,25%) tataran kata, 2 tuturan (12,5%) tataran frasa, dan 5 tuturan (31,25%) tataran klausa; (2) jenis campur kode bahasa guru ditemukan 70 tuturan (89,74%) jenis campur kode ke dalam dan sebanyak 8 tuturan (10,25%) jenis campur kode campuran; sedangkan bahasa siswa ditemukan 11 tuturan (68,75%) jenis campur kode ke dalam dan sebanyak 5 tuturan (31,25) jenis campur kode campuran; (3) latar belakang guru melakukan campur kode ingin menggunakan istilah yang lebih populer, tujuan dan fungsi pembicaraan, serta mitra bicara; sedangkan siswa melakukan campur kode karena keterbatasan kosakata. Bentuk dan jenis campur kode bahasa yang paling banyak muncul adalah tataran kata dan jenis campur kode ke dalam.
Kata Kunci : campur kode bahasa, pelajaran bahasa Bali

This study descriptive qualitative design aimed to describe the forms, the types, and the background of mixed code language teachers and students in the teaching learning process Bahasa Bali subject at Taman Rama School; The subjects of this research were a Balinese teachers and grade II and III elementary students at Taman Rama School. The objects of this study were the forms, the types, and the background of code mixing in teaching learning process were done by teachers and students of Bahasa Bali subject at Taman Rama School. The method of data collection used documentation and interviews and were analyzed by using reduction of data, classification and presentation of data, inference and verification of data. The results of this study showed that (1) interfere of code language teacher, was found 38 utterances (48.71%) in the form of code mixing at the level of words, utterances 25 (32.05%) in the form of code-mixing at the level of the phrase, and 15 utterances (19 , 23%) in the form of code mixing at the level clause, the mixed code was found 9 speech language students (56.25%) in the form of code mixing at the level of words, two utterances (12.5%) in the form of code mixing at the level phrases, and 5 speech (31.25%) in the form of code-mixing at the level of clause (2) types of code-mixing language teacher was found 70 types of utterances (89.74%) and the mixed code into as many as 8 speech (10.25%) types of code mixing the mixture, types of code-mixing language students found was 11 utterances (68.75%) were included into the mixed code and as many as 5 speech (31.25) types of code mixing the mixture, (3) the background teachers used code mixing the factors wants to use the more popular term, factors purpose and function of the talks, as well as factors conversation partner, the background of the students used code mixing was a limited vocabulary.
keyword : Code mixing, Bahasa Bali subject


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