Penelitian ini bertujuan (1) mendeskripsikan perencanaan pembelajaran sastra berorientasi pendidikan karakter di kelas VIII SMP Tawakkal, (2) mendeskripsikan pelaksanaan pembelajaran sastra berorientasi pendidikan karakter di kelas VIII SMP Tawakkal, dan (3) mendeskripsikan evaluasi pembelajaran sastra berorientasi pendidikan karakter di kelas VIII SMP Tawakkal. Penelitian ini menggunakan rancangan penelitian deskriptif kualitatif. Subjek penelitian ini adalah guru bahasa Indonesia dan siswa kelas VIII SMP Tawakkal. Objek Penelitian ini adalah pembelajaran sastra yang meliputi perencanaan, pelaksanaan, dan evaluasi pembelajaran sastra berorientasi pendidikan karakter sesuai Kurikulum 2013 di kelas VIII SMP Tawakkal. Metode pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah observasi, dokumentasi, dan wawancara. Hasil penelitian ini bagian perencanaan dan pelaksanaan sebagian besar terkandung adanya pendidikan karakter. Bagian evaluasi hanya pada bagian penilaian sikap. Pada perencanaan pertama dan kedua 70% terkandung adanya pendidikan karakter dan 30% tidak terkandung adanya pendidikan karakter. Pada pelaksanaan di antaranya bagian pertama 73,3% terkandung adanya pendidikan karakter dan 26,7% tidak terkandung adanya pendidikan karakter. Terakhir pada evaluasi 33,3% mengandung adanya pendidikan karakter dan 66,7% tidak mengandung adanya pendidikan karakter. Pendidikan karakter yang tampak pada pembelajaran ini di antaranya adalah religius, santun, peduli, dan percaya diri, rasa ingin tahu, mandiri, kreatif, tanggung jawab, dan bersahabat/ komunikatif.
Kata Kunci : perencanaan, pelaksanaan, evaluasi, pendidikan karakter
This study aims to (1) describe the learning plan literature oriented character education in class VIII SMP Tawakkal, (2) describe the implementation of learning literature oriented character education in class VIII SMP Tawakkal, and (3) describe the evaluation of learning literature oriented character education in class VIII SMP Tawakkal. This research uses descriptive qualitative research design. The subjects were Indonesian teachers and students of class VIII SMP Tawakkal. The object of this research is the study of literature that includes planning, implementation, and evaluation of learning-oriented literature appropriate character education curriculum in class VIII SMP 2013 Tawakkal. This research uses methods used are observation, documentation, and interviews. The results of this study planning and execution largely contained their character education. Part evaluations only on the attitude measures. In planning the first and the second 70% contained their character education and 30% are not contained their character education. On the implementation of which the first part contained the 73.3% and 26.7% of character education is not contained their character education. Recently Reviewed evaluation 33.3% contain their character education and 66.7% did not contain any character education. Education characters that appear on learning of them are religious, polite, caring, and confident, curiosity, independence, creativity, responsibility, and friends or communicative.
keyword : planning, implementation, evaluation, character education
Kata Kunci : perencanaan, pelaksanaan, evaluasi, pendidikan karakter
This study aims to (1) describe the learning plan literature oriented character education in class VIII SMP Tawakkal, (2) describe the implementation of learning literature oriented character education in class VIII SMP Tawakkal, and (3) describe the evaluation of learning literature oriented character education in class VIII SMP Tawakkal. This research uses descriptive qualitative research design. The subjects were Indonesian teachers and students of class VIII SMP Tawakkal. The object of this research is the study of literature that includes planning, implementation, and evaluation of learning-oriented literature appropriate character education curriculum in class VIII SMP 2013 Tawakkal. This research uses methods used are observation, documentation, and interviews. The results of this study planning and execution largely contained their character education. Part evaluations only on the attitude measures. In planning the first and the second 70% contained their character education and 30% are not contained their character education. On the implementation of which the first part contained the 73.3% and 26.7% of character education is not contained their character education. Recently Reviewed evaluation 33.3% contain their character education and 66.7% did not contain any character education. Education characters that appear on learning of them are religious, polite, caring, and confident, curiosity, independence, creativity, responsibility, and friends or communicative.
keyword : planning, implementation, evaluation, character education
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