Pengembangan Skala Adversity Quotient Peserta Didik SMK

Ni Wayan Serianti, Ni Ketut Suarni, I Ketut Gading


This study aims to determine the validity of the Adversity Quotient scale on vocational students. This research method using research methods and development methods or Research and Development (R&D). This 4D development model consists of 4 stages, namely: define, design, develop, and disseminate. However, for this study the 4D (four-D) development model it was to modified into a 3D (three-D) development model which contained 3 stages namely define, design, develop.The subjects in this study consisted of 5 experts, including 3 counseling guidance lecturers and 2 counseling guidance teachers.The data that has been obtained, analyzed using the Lawshe Formula about content validity ratio (CVR) and CVI (content validity index). Based on the results of the calculation of CVR and CVI, that the results obtained already meet the validity criteria standards, so that the contents of the Adversity Quotient Scale item are declared Valid. This research is limited to the development of  the Adversity Quotient scale of SMK students, which only involves 5 subjects as experts in the field of Counseling Guidance. So for further research it is recommended to use more experts from more varied fields according to the research conducted.


Development, Adversity Quotient Scale

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