Efektivitas Konseling Behavioral Dengan Teknik Latihan Asertif Untuk Meningkatkan Self Afiliasi Pada Siswa

Desi Yani Ratnadi, I Ketut Dharsana, I Wayan Tirka


This study aims to determine the Effectiveness of Behavioral Counseling with Assertive Exercise Techniques to improve Self Affiliation in students. This type of research is a Rendomized Controlled Trials (RCT) research. The population in this study were eighth grade students of SMP N 2 Singaraja. In the technique of taking data samples using random sampling so that where 2 classes have been obtained namely VIII 8 as an experimental class totaling 34 people and class VIII 7 students as a control class of 34 students. In the data analysis method used is the T-Test and Effect Size test which uses an SPSS Version 21.0 For Windows program. The instrument in collecting this data used Observation, Interview, Diary and Questionnaire data. Based on the conclusion of this study that the Behavioral counseling model is effective to do in school. So this study shows that there is an Effectiveness of Behavioral Counseling Theory with Assertive Exercise Techniques to improve Self Affiliation in students. Based on data analysis in this study using the t-test with the value of Thit> Ttab or 12.86> 2.04, the behavioral counseling service with effective assertive training techniques to increase self affiliation


Self Afiliasi, Counseling Behavioral, Latihan Asertif Techniques.

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