Efektivitas Konseling Behavioral Dengan Teknik Modeling Untuk Meningkatkan Self Endurance Pada Siswa Kelas X SMA Negeri 1 Sukasada

Ni Made Inggit Gita Yunidar, I Ketut Gading, I Ketut Dharsana


This study aims to determine the effectiveness of behavioral counseling with modeling techniques to improve student self endurance in students. This research is a type of research design "Pre Test-Post Test Control Group Design with FollowUp". The population of this study was class X SMA Negeri 1 Sukasada, sampling was randomly selected by randomly selecting 2 classes from 6 classes. Members of the sample class X IIS as an experimental class and class X IIS 2 as a control class. The process of collecting data in this study uses the Self Endurance questionnaire method of linkert scale patterns and is analyzed descriptively and for statistical analysis the t-test formula and effect size use the help of SPSS-PC 21.0 for Windows. The results of the study stated that there was effectiveness of behavioral counseling with modeling techniques to improve self endurance in students (t = 5.78; p = 0.000).


Behavioral Counseling, Modeling, Self Endurance

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