Development of scaleInterpersonal Skills In Students(SMP)

I Putu Edi Sukranata, Nyoman Dantes, I Wayan Tirka


This study aims to develop a measuring instrument and test its feasibility so as to produce a valid and reliable instrument in measuring the level of interpersonal skills in junior high school students. This research uses the Research and Development (R&D) method proposed by Thiagarajan (1974) through four stages of development namely define, design, develov (development), and disseminate. Validity testing involved five experts and counseling guidance practitioners to assess the appropriateness of the developed instrument consisting of 30 statement items. While testing the validity involved 5 experts consisting of 3 lecturers and 2 BK teachers. While releability testing is not carried out because face-to-face time with students cannot be carried out due to the occurrence of a current epidemic namely covid-19 which limits the development of this research. Based on the validity test, the interpersonal skills instrument developed by junior high school students had fulfilled the validity criteria and was included in the high validity category with a validity value of 0.947 So that the interpersonal skills scale instrument in junior high school students can be said to be feasible for measuring interpersonal skills in students

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