Tujuan utama penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh implementasi asesmen kinerja terhadap hasil belajar Asuhan Kebidanan Ibu Nifas ditinjau dari kecerdasan emosional dengan rancangan Post Test Only Control Group Design. Populasi penelitian adalah mahasiswa UPT Akademi Kebidanan Dinas Kesehatan Provinsi Bali Tahun Ajaran 2013/2014 dan sampelnya berjumlah 81 orang yang terbagi menjadi dua kelas. Data yang diperoleh diolah dengan menggunakan analisis kovarians (ANAKOVA) satu jalur. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa: (1) hasil belajar mahasiswa yang belajar dengan implementasi asesmen kinerja lebih tinggi dari mahasiswa yang belajar dengan asesmen konvensional (Fhitung = 33,466; P<0,05) sebelum dikendalikan oleh kovariabel kecerdasan emosional; (2) setelah dikendalikan oleh kovariabel kecerdasan emosional, mahasiswa yang belajar dengan implementasi asesmen kinerja lebih tinggi dari mahasiswa yang belajar dengan implementasi asesmen konvensional (Fhitung = 33,772; P<0,05); (3) kecerdasan emosional memberikan kontribusi positif terhadap hasil belajar mahasiswa yang belajar dengan implementasi asesmen kinerja sebesar 31,2% dan juga terhadap mahasiswa yang belajar dengan implementasi asesmen konvensional sebesar 65,2%. Sedangkan secara keseluruhan, besarnya kontribusi kovariabel kecerdasan emosional adalah 46,5%.
Kata Kunci : Asuhan Kebidanan Ibu Nifas, asesmen kinerja, kecerdasan emosional
The main purpose of this research was to recognize the effect of performance assessment implementation toward learning achievement of post natal care midwifery education seen from emotional intelligence with post test only control group design. The population of this research were UPT students of midwifery academy Bali health official in academic year 2013/2014 and the sample were 81 students which was divided into two classes. The obtained data were calculated by using co-variant analysis (one way anacova). The result of the study showed that; (1) Students' learning achievement was higher when it was treated by performance assessment than conventional assessment (Fcount = 33,476; P<0,05) before it was controlled by emotional intelligence co-variable; (2) After it was controlled by emotional intelligence co-variable, students' achievement using performance assessment was higher than using conventional assessment (Fcount = 33,772; P<0,05); (3) Emotional intelligence were giving positive contribution toward students learning achievement who learned by using performance assessment which was about 31,2% and also toward students learning achievement using conventional assessment which was about 65,2%, so the total contribution of emotional intelligence toward learning achievement was 46,5%.
keyword : emotional intelligence, post natal care midwifery education, performance assessment
Kata Kunci : Asuhan Kebidanan Ibu Nifas, asesmen kinerja, kecerdasan emosional
The main purpose of this research was to recognize the effect of performance assessment implementation toward learning achievement of post natal care midwifery education seen from emotional intelligence with post test only control group design. The population of this research were UPT students of midwifery academy Bali health official in academic year 2013/2014 and the sample were 81 students which was divided into two classes. The obtained data were calculated by using co-variant analysis (one way anacova). The result of the study showed that; (1) Students' learning achievement was higher when it was treated by performance assessment than conventional assessment (Fcount = 33,476; P<0,05) before it was controlled by emotional intelligence co-variable; (2) After it was controlled by emotional intelligence co-variable, students' achievement using performance assessment was higher than using conventional assessment (Fcount = 33,772; P<0,05); (3) Emotional intelligence were giving positive contribution toward students learning achievement who learned by using performance assessment which was about 31,2% and also toward students learning achievement using conventional assessment which was about 65,2%, so the total contribution of emotional intelligence toward learning achievement was 46,5%.
keyword : emotional intelligence, post natal care midwifery education, performance assessment
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