Validasi Tes Kemampuan Matematika dengan Model Part-Whole pada Siswa Kelas XI IPA di SMA Negeri se-Kabupaten Klungkung Tahun Pelajaran 2013-2014
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui Validasi Tes Kemampuan Matematika dengan Model Part-Whole pada Siswa Kelas XI IPA di SMA Negeri se-Kabupaten Klungkung. Sebanyak 300 siswa dipilih sebagai sampel. Data Penelitian dikumpulkan dan diolah dengan perhitungan manual program excel dan perhitungan Iteman. Penelitian ini mendapatkan hasil sebagai berikut. (1) Hasil analisis validitas butir pada 30 butir tes diperoleh hasil 90% valid (hanya 3 butir soal yang tidak valid yaitu nomor 15, 20 dan 21), (2) Hasil analisis reliabilitas menurut kriteria Guilford termasuk derajat reliabilitas tinggi (dihitung dengan rumus KR-21 diperoleh hasil sebesar r11 = 0,794), (3) Taraf kesukaran butir soal diperoleh hasil yaitu kategori sedang 74%, kategori sukar 0%, dan kategori mudah 26%, (4) Daya beda butir tes matematika kategori tingkat daya pembeda baik 18 butir atau 66,7 %, katagori cukup 14,8%, katagori kurang 11,1 %, dan 7,4% katagori jelek (5) Efektivitas pengecoh penelitian ini memperoleh hasil kategori pengecoh sangat baik 10 butir atau 37% dan kategori pengecoh kurang baik 17 butir atau 63% efektivitas. Berdasarkan temuan tersebut, seharusnya MGMP Matematika Kabupaten Klungkung lebih memperhatikan kompetensi guru untuk melakukan Validasi Tes
Kata Kunci : Model Part-Whole, Tes Kemampuan Matematika, Validasi.
This research aimed at finding out the validation of mathematics achievement test with part-whole model against the students of grade XI Science State High Schools around Klungkung regency. There are 300 students selected as samples.Data for this research are collected and analysed by using manual calculation using excel and iteman. This research finds out as follows,(1) The result of validity analysis on against 30 items is 90% of the items are valid (only 3 items are not valid, they are number 15, 20 and 21), (2) the result of reliability analysis according to Guilford criteria is high degree reliability (counted by using by the formula KR-21 resulting r11 = 0,794), (3) The degree of difficulty of the items is medium category 74%,dificult 0%,and easy 26%,(4) the distunguishing power of the items is categoriced as good 18 items or 66,7%, fair 14,8% and low 11,1% and bad 7,4%, (5) Efectivity of the distractors is 10 items or 37% are very good and 17 or 63% of the items are less efective.Based on the findings, it is recommended that Mathematics Teacher Forum (MGMP) around Klungkung Regency should have more concern on the teachers capability of test validation.
keyword : Part-Whole Model, Mathematic Achievement Test, Validation.
Kata Kunci : Model Part-Whole, Tes Kemampuan Matematika, Validasi.
This research aimed at finding out the validation of mathematics achievement test with part-whole model against the students of grade XI Science State High Schools around Klungkung regency. There are 300 students selected as samples.Data for this research are collected and analysed by using manual calculation using excel and iteman. This research finds out as follows,(1) The result of validity analysis on against 30 items is 90% of the items are valid (only 3 items are not valid, they are number 15, 20 and 21), (2) the result of reliability analysis according to Guilford criteria is high degree reliability (counted by using by the formula KR-21 resulting r11 = 0,794), (3) The degree of difficulty of the items is medium category 74%,dificult 0%,and easy 26%,(4) the distunguishing power of the items is categoriced as good 18 items or 66,7%, fair 14,8% and low 11,1% and bad 7,4%, (5) Efectivity of the distractors is 10 items or 37% are very good and 17 or 63% of the items are less efective.Based on the findings, it is recommended that Mathematics Teacher Forum (MGMP) around Klungkung Regency should have more concern on the teachers capability of test validation.
keyword : Part-Whole Model, Mathematic Achievement Test, Validation.
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