Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui determinasi ketahanmalangan, motivasi berprestasi dan rasa percaya diri terhadap hasil belajar IPA siswa SMPLB B Negeri di Bali. Rancangan penelitian yang digunakan adalah rancangan penelitian korelasional dengan pendekatan ex-post facto. Penelitian ini meneliti seluruh populasi yang ada (Total Sampling) sehingga sampel dalam penelitian ini adalah seluruh siswa di SMPLB B N di Bali berjumlah 73 siswa. Data tingkat ketahanmalangan, motivasi berprestasi, rasa percaya diri dan hasil belajar IPA masing-masing diperoleh dengan kuesioner ketahanmalangan, kuesioner motivasi berprestasi, kuesioner rasa percaya diri dan tes hasil belajar IPA. Data dianalisis dengan statistik deskriptif, analisis regresi sederhana, analisis regresi ganda dan parsial. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa: (1) terdapat determinasi yang signifikan ketahanmalangan terhadap hasil belajar dengan koefesien korelasi sebesar 0,524 dan sumbangan efektif sebesar 20,31%, (2) terdapat determinasi yang signifikan motivasi berprestasi terhadap hasil belajar dengan koefesien korelasi sebesar 0,683 dan sumbangan efektif sebesar 26,22%, (3) terdapat determinasi yang signifikan rasa rasa percaya diri terhadap hasil belajar dengan koefesien korelasi sebesar 0,573 dan sumbangan efektif sebesar 22,18%,dan (4) secara simultan, terdapat determinasi yang signifikan ketahanmalangan, motivasi berprestasi dan rasa percaya diri terhadap hasil belajar dengan koefesien korelasi sebesar 0,829 dan koefesien determinasi sebesar 68,7%.
Kata Kunci : ketahanmalangan, motivasi berprestasi, prestasi belajar, dan rasa percaya diri
The study aims to investigate the determination of perseverance, needs of achievement, and self-efficacy toward science learning achievement of students of State Junior High Schools for Special Needs Type B (SMPLB B Negeri) in Bali. The study employed a correlational research design with an ex-post facto approach. The study investigated all of the existing population (total sampling) so that the sample of the study was all students of SMPLB B N in Bali of 73 students in total. Data on perseverance, needs of achievement, self-efficacy, and science learning achievement were respectively obtained by using perseverance questionnaire, needs-of-achievement questionnaire, self-efficacy questionnaire, and science learning achievement test. The data were analyzed by using descriptive statistics, simple linear regression analysis, multiple and partial linear regression analyses. The results of the study show that: (1) there is a significant determination of perseverance toward learning achievement with a correlation coefficient of .524 and an effective contribution of 20.31%, (2) there is a significant determination of needs of achievement toward learning achievement with a correlation coefficient of .683 and an effective contribution of 26.22%, (3) there is a significant determination of self-efficacy toward learning achievement with a correlation coefficient of .573 and an effective contribution of 22.18 %, and (4) simultaneously, there is a significant determination of perseverance, needs of achievement, and self-efficacy toward learning achievement with a correlation coefficient of .829 and determination coefficient of 68.7%.
keyword : perseverance, needs of achievement, learning achievement, and self-efficacy
Kata Kunci : ketahanmalangan, motivasi berprestasi, prestasi belajar, dan rasa percaya diri
The study aims to investigate the determination of perseverance, needs of achievement, and self-efficacy toward science learning achievement of students of State Junior High Schools for Special Needs Type B (SMPLB B Negeri) in Bali. The study employed a correlational research design with an ex-post facto approach. The study investigated all of the existing population (total sampling) so that the sample of the study was all students of SMPLB B N in Bali of 73 students in total. Data on perseverance, needs of achievement, self-efficacy, and science learning achievement were respectively obtained by using perseverance questionnaire, needs-of-achievement questionnaire, self-efficacy questionnaire, and science learning achievement test. The data were analyzed by using descriptive statistics, simple linear regression analysis, multiple and partial linear regression analyses. The results of the study show that: (1) there is a significant determination of perseverance toward learning achievement with a correlation coefficient of .524 and an effective contribution of 20.31%, (2) there is a significant determination of needs of achievement toward learning achievement with a correlation coefficient of .683 and an effective contribution of 26.22%, (3) there is a significant determination of self-efficacy toward learning achievement with a correlation coefficient of .573 and an effective contribution of 22.18 %, and (4) simultaneously, there is a significant determination of perseverance, needs of achievement, and self-efficacy toward learning achievement with a correlation coefficient of .829 and determination coefficient of 68.7%.
keyword : perseverance, needs of achievement, learning achievement, and self-efficacy
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