Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis dan mengevaluasi pelaksanaan pembelajaran yang mengacu pada standar proses di SLB Negeri Gianyar ditinjau dari segi konteks, input, proses dan produk dengan menggunakan evaluasi model CIPP dan untuk mengetahui kendala-kendala yang terjadi dalam pelaksanaan pembelajaran yang mengacu pada standar proses di SLB Negeri Gianyar. Data dalam penelitian ini dikumpulkan melalui metode wawancara, metode observasi, metode dokumentasi, dan metode kuesioner. Hasil analisis data menunjukkan bahwa pelaksanaan pembelajaran yang mengacu pada standar proses di SLB Negeri Gianyar ditinjau dari segi konteks input, proses dan produk termasuk katagori termasuk katagori sangat tidak baik. Kendala-kendala yang terjadi dalam pelaksanaan pembelajaran yang mengacu pada standar proses di SLB Negeri Gianyar antara lain: (1) masih rendahnya pemahaman guru dalam penyusunan perangkat pembelajaran yang mengacu pada standar proses, (2) sangat sulit melaksanakan pembelajaran yang mengacu pada standar proses karena kondisi siswa yang unik dengan beragam ketunaan, dan (3) kurangnya pembinaan dari kepala sekolah dan pengawas binaan.
Kata Kunci : Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran, Standar Proses, Studi Evaluasi
The research was aimed to analyse and evaluate the teaching and learning process refers on the standard process in SLB Negeri Gianyar, in terms of contexts, input, process and products, also finding out the obstacles in implementing the teaching and learning process refers to the standard process in SLB Negeri Gianyar using CIPP Evaluation Model. The data was collected by the observation method, document studies, interview, and questionnaire. The data analysis showed that the teaching and learning process refers to the standard process in SLB Negeri Gianyar in terms of context, input, process, and product was categorized asvery poor. The obstacles which hindered the implementation of teaching learning process refers to the standard process in SLB Negeri Gianyar were: (1) teachers’ poor comprehension in designing the teaching kit refers to the standard process, (2) difficulties in implementing the teaching learning process refers to the standard process due to students’ various impairment conditions, and (3) lack of trainings from principal and the school superintendent.
keyword : Teaching and Learning Process, Standard Process, EvaluationStudy
Kata Kunci : Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran, Standar Proses, Studi Evaluasi
The research was aimed to analyse and evaluate the teaching and learning process refers on the standard process in SLB Negeri Gianyar, in terms of contexts, input, process and products, also finding out the obstacles in implementing the teaching and learning process refers to the standard process in SLB Negeri Gianyar using CIPP Evaluation Model. The data was collected by the observation method, document studies, interview, and questionnaire. The data analysis showed that the teaching and learning process refers to the standard process in SLB Negeri Gianyar in terms of context, input, process, and product was categorized asvery poor. The obstacles which hindered the implementation of teaching learning process refers to the standard process in SLB Negeri Gianyar were: (1) teachers’ poor comprehension in designing the teaching kit refers to the standard process, (2) difficulties in implementing the teaching learning process refers to the standard process due to students’ various impairment conditions, and (3) lack of trainings from principal and the school superintendent.
keyword : Teaching and Learning Process, Standard Process, EvaluationStudy
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