Studi Evaluatif Efektifitas Pelaksanaan Layanan Perpustakaan Undiksha Terhadap Kepuasan Pemustaka di Kalangan Mahasiswa Undiksha
Penelitian ini termasuk penelitian evaluatif, yang bertujuan untuk mengevaluasi dan menganalisis efektifitas pelaksanaan layanan perpustakaan terhadap kepuasan pemustaka di kalangan mahasiswa Undiksha dengan model CIPP (konteks, input, proses dan produk). Responden dalam penelitian ini adalah 1 orang kepala perpustakaan, 23 orang pustakawan dan 60 orang pemustaka/pengunjung. Data dikumpulkan dengan menggunakan kuesioner, dokumentasi dan wawancara. Data dianalisis dengan analisis deskriptif kuantitatif. Untuk menentukan efektifitas pelaksanaan layanan perpustakaan, skor mentah ditransformasikan ke dalam Z-Skor lalu ke T-Skor kemudian diverifikasi ke dalam prototype Glickman. Dari perolehan hasil analisis layanan perpustakaan yang dilaksanakan oleh pustakawan menunjukkan nilai CIPP (T, T, R, R), sementara layanan perpustakaan terhadap pustakawan menunjukkan nilai CIPP (R, T, T, R). Jika dikonversi ke dalam kuadran Glickman, baik layanan yang dilaksanakan pustakawan dan layanan terhadap pemustaka maka pelaksanaan layanan perpustakaan terhadap kepuasan pemustaka terletak pada kuadran III yaitu terkategori kurang efektif.
Kata Kunci : Efektifitas, kepuasan, layanan
This study was an evaluative research, which was aimed at evaluating and analyzing the effectiveness of library services to library users’ satisfaction of Undiksha students through CIPP (context, input, process and product) model. The respondents of this study were the head of the library, 23 librarians, and 60 library users /visitors. The data were collected through a questionnaire, documentation and interviews. The data were analyzed through descriptive quantitative analysis. To determine the effectiveness of the library services, the raw scores were transformed into T-scores, which were then verified through the Glickman prototype.The analysis of the library services conducted by the head of library and librarians showed the results with a tendency toward T-Score in CIPP (T, T, R, R), while the library services to the library users showed the results with a tendency toward T-Score in the CIPP (R, T, T, R). If converted into Glickman quadrants, both the services performed by the librarians and services to the library users were located in quadrant III, which was categorized as less effective
keyword : Effectiveness, satisfaction, service
Kata Kunci : Efektifitas, kepuasan, layanan
This study was an evaluative research, which was aimed at evaluating and analyzing the effectiveness of library services to library users’ satisfaction of Undiksha students through CIPP (context, input, process and product) model. The respondents of this study were the head of the library, 23 librarians, and 60 library users /visitors. The data were collected through a questionnaire, documentation and interviews. The data were analyzed through descriptive quantitative analysis. To determine the effectiveness of the library services, the raw scores were transformed into T-scores, which were then verified through the Glickman prototype.The analysis of the library services conducted by the head of library and librarians showed the results with a tendency toward T-Score in CIPP (T, T, R, R), while the library services to the library users showed the results with a tendency toward T-Score in the CIPP (R, T, T, R). If converted into Glickman quadrants, both the services performed by the librarians and services to the library users were located in quadrant III, which was categorized as less effective
keyword : Effectiveness, satisfaction, service
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