Tujuan Penelitian ini adalah untuk pengembangan Self-assessment pada mata pelajaran Matematika di sekolah dasar. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di sekolah dasar Montessori School Bali, Canggu, Kuta Utara, Badung, Bali. Uji coba produk untuk mengetahui kualitas self-assessment yang di kembangkan dilakukan terhadap siswa kelas 5 di sekolah Montessori Bali. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian pengembangan, dengan rancangan 4-D (Define, Design, Develop, Desiminate). Pada penelitian ini Desiminate tidak dilakukan. dan positif. Pengembangan Self-assessment didasarkan tiga kategori penilaian, yakni kemampuan belajar, kemampuan berpikir logis dan matematis, serta kemampuan berproses berpikir. Self-assessment dalam penelitian ini diimplementasikan dalam bentuk kuisioner yang bertujuan untuk mengetahui pendapat siswa terhadap tiga kategori penilaian diatas. Dari hasil telaah ahli/pakar diperoleh rata-rata nilai CVR sebesar 0.87 artinya butir pernyataan dalam self-assessment memiliki relevansi yang tinggi. Dari hasil pengembangan Self-assessment ini, dapat memberikan dampak positif terhadap siswa dalam hal proses berpikir reflektif, kreatif dan kritis. Hasil pengembangan Self-assessment memberikan kemudahan kepada siswa untuk mampu menilai kemampuan diri secara objektif.
Kata kunci: Evaluasi; Montessori; Pengembangan; Self-assessment
The aim of this study is to develop a self-assessment in Mathematics at Montessori school Bali. This research was conducted at the Montessori School in Bali, Canggu, North Kuta, Badung, Bali. To determine the quality of the development of Self-assessment, a try-out were carried out on 5th grade students at the Montessori School in Bali. This research is a development research, with 4-D design namely Define, Design, Develop, Desiminate. Due to braodness of the study, Dessiminate in this research and development was not conducted. The results of the study show. The development of the Self-assessment in this research are based on the three categories of assessment namely learning skills, logical and mathematical thinking skills and the process thinking skills. Self-assessment in this study was implemented into a questionnaire that aimed to find out students' opinions on the three assessment categories above. From the results of the study of judges/experts obtained an average CVR value of 0.87 meaning that the statement items in Self-assessment have high relevance. From the results of developing this Self-assessment, it can have a positive impact on students in terms of reflective, creative and critical thinking processes. The results of the development of Self-assessment make it easy for students to be able to assess themselves ability objectively and positively.
Keywords: Evaluation; Montessori; Development Self-assessment
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