

Penelitian pengembangan ini memiliki tujuan utama untuk menghasilkan alat atau prosedur penilaian yang valid, reliabel dan praktis. Instrumen penilaian unjuk kerja laboratorium fisika diujicobakan pada siswa SMA kelas X tahun akademik 2011/2012. Pelaksanaan ujicoba melibatkan sampel penilai (rater) 7 orang guru fisika. Sedangkan untuk data uji coba kegiatan praktikum dilaboratorium, ditentukan dengan menggunakan teknik sampel random sederhana.

Analisis data dilakukan dengan mekanisme sebagai berikut. Pertama melalui analisis data kebutuhan diperoleh informasi bahwa aspek-aspek dalam instrumen penilaian unjuk kerja laboratorium fisika adalah: mempersiapkan praktikum, melaksanakan praktikum dan melaporkan hasil praktikum. Kedua kisi-kisi instrumen yang terdiri dari 10 butir, setelah diujicobakan tetap dipertahankan karena ke-10 butir adalah valid. Ketiga menurut masukan para ahli, rubrik penilaian perlu diperbaiki, sehingga setelah diujicobakan rubrik mengalami perubahan pada beberapa butir instrumen terutama pada bagian deskriptornya. Keempat hasil uji validitas isi yang dianalisis menggunakan formula Gregory diperoleh validitas hitung 1,00. Kelima data uji validitas butir (empirik) , dianalisis menggunakan formula Product Moment, diperoleh hasil koefisien korelasi semua butir instrumen lebih besar dari koefisien kerelasi tabel untuk taraf sinifikansi 5% , atau semua butir dinyatakan valid. Keenam data uji coba reliabilitas konsistensi antar penilai (rater), dianalisis menggunakan formula Ebel, diperoleh nilai hitung koefisien reliabilitas 0,82 yang tergolong reliabilitas sangat tinggi. Ketujuh data uji coba reliabilitas konsistensi internal instrumen, dianalisis menggunakan formula Alpha Cronbach, diperoleh nilai hitung koefisien reliabilitas 0,82 yang tergolong reliabilitas sangat tinggi. Kedelapan kepraktisan instrumen dianalisis dengan formula Skor T diperoleh rata-rata skor 50,00 (tergolong  praktis).

Hasil penelitian dan pengembangan instrumen penilaian unjuk kerja laboratorium sebagaimana hasil uji coba tersebut diatas, menunjukan bahwa semua butir instrumen adalah valid, nilai reliabilitas antar penilai (rater) sangat tinggi, reliabilitas internal instrumen sangat tinggi dan praktis untuk digunakan. Ini berarti instrumen penilaian unjuk kerja laboratorium bidang fisika yang dikembangkan telah memenuhi syarat validitas, reliabilitas dan kepraktisan, sebagai alat evaluasi yang dapat digunakan lebih lanjut oleh para guru fisika di Sekolah Menengah Atas ( SMA ).


Kata Kunci: Unjuk kerja, labolatorium, fisika, KTSP




The major purpose of this present reseach and development is to get the instruments and procedures of assessments which are valid  reliable and practical. The physics laboratory performance of assessment instruments were tested to the grade X of Senior High School students academic year 2011 / 2012 . The application of the test  involved  7 sampling rater of physics techers . While for preliminary  trial data of students practicing in the laboratory  is determined by using simple random sampling technique .

The  mechanism of analysing can be elaborated  as follows. First, by applying need analyses it found  information that  the aspects of assessment intruments of performance physics laboratory is to prepare the material for practice, to do the practice and to report the results of the laboratory  practice. Second, the guide line of intrument consisted of 10 items.  After  being tested, it was constantly kept  due to the ten items were  valid. Third, according to the experts , the rubric of the assessment needed revising so that it would change in some items especially in its descriptor after being tested. Fourth, the result of the content validity test was analysed by using Gregory formula which would gain the value  calculation validity ( validitas hitung ) 1.00. Fifth, the data of item validity test ( emparic ) was analysed by using Product Moment formula , it found that the result of the correlation coefficient of all intrument items more than correlation coefficient tabel for the step of significant 5 %, or all items was considered valid.  Sixth, the data of consistency reliability inter-rater test  was analysed by using Ebel formula , it found that the calculation value of reliability coefficient was 0,82 which belonged to very high reliability. Seventh, the data of internal  consistency reliability which was analysed by using  Alpha Cronbach , it found out that coefficient reliability of calculation value was 0,82 . it also belonged to very high reliabilty. The last of all, the practical intrument was analysed by using  T Skor would find the everage value of 50,00. This was  practical.

The result of reseach and development of assessment intrument of laboratory performance as mentiened above showed that all intrument items were valid, the inter-rater reliability instrument were  very high, the internal intrument reliability was very high and practical to be used. It means that the intrument assessment of physics laboratory  performance  has fulfilled the requirement of validity and reliability as a means of evaluation that can be used by physics teachers at Senior High School ( SMA ).


Key words : Performance, Laboratory, Physics, School  Based  Curriculum (KTSP).

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