Permasalahan yang dihadapi dalam pembelajaran standar kompetensi menggambar dengan perangkat lunak pada jurusan teknik bangunan, program keahlian teknik gambar bangunan pada SMK Negeri 1 Nusa Penida adalah kurangnya bahan ajar sehingga perlu dilakukannya suatu tindakan nyata berupa pengembangan bahan ajar. Tujuan yang ingin dicapai dalam penelitian adalah mengembangkan bahan ajar dilengkapi CD tutorial untuk mata pelajaran menggambar dengan perangkat lunak berbantuan program aplikasi AutoCad. Penelitian ini adalah penelitan pengembangan dengan model ADDIE. Model ini terdiri atas lima langkah, yaitu: (1) analisis (analyze), (2) perancangan (design), (3) pengembangan (development), (4) implementasi (implementation), dan (5) evaluasi (evaluation). Produk pengembangan yang dihasilkan yaitu: bahan ajar panduan siswa, bahan ajar panduan guru, dan CD tutorial. Dalam kegiatan uji coba lapangan siswa diberikan pretes dan postes. Hasil analisis Uji t satu sampel menunjukkan bahwa hasil belajar siswa sebelum dan sesudah penggunaan paket pembelajaran berbeda. Dengan ungkapan lain dapat dikatakan bahwa terdapat perbedaan yang signifikan hasil belajar siswa sebelum dan sesudah penggunaan paket pembelajaran dalam pembelajaran di kelas. Melihat nilai rerata atau mean postes (87.04) lebih besar dari nilai rerata pretes (44,77), dapat dikatakan bahwa bahan ajar dan CD tutorial dapat meningkatkan hasil belajar siswa.
Kata Kunci : pengembangan, bahan ajar menggambar, program aplikasi, AutoCad, model ADDIE
The lack of teaching material in drawing subject using software for the building construction department at SMK Negeri 1 Nusa Penida caused problem in the instruction. Therefore, the development of teaching material is significant to be conducted. The purpose of the study is to develop teaching material completed with tutorial CD for drawing subject using AutoCad program application software. The ADDIE model in research and development research design was implemented for conducting the study by following the five steps, namely: analysis, design, development, implementation, and evaluation. The product resulted from the study are students’ and teachers’ guideline material and also tutorial CD. Pre-test and post-test was conducted during the field try-out. The result of the one tail sample analysis shows that the students perform different achievement before and after the treatment. There is significant different on their achievement, which can be seen from the improvement of the students’ mean score which was 44.77 during the pre-test to 87.04 from the post-test. From this result, it could be concluded that the teaching material and the tutorial CD could improve the students’ achievement.
keyword : development, drawing teaching material, AutoCad application software, ADDIE model
Kata Kunci : pengembangan, bahan ajar menggambar, program aplikasi, AutoCad, model ADDIE
The lack of teaching material in drawing subject using software for the building construction department at SMK Negeri 1 Nusa Penida caused problem in the instruction. Therefore, the development of teaching material is significant to be conducted. The purpose of the study is to develop teaching material completed with tutorial CD for drawing subject using AutoCad program application software. The ADDIE model in research and development research design was implemented for conducting the study by following the five steps, namely: analysis, design, development, implementation, and evaluation. The product resulted from the study are students’ and teachers’ guideline material and also tutorial CD. Pre-test and post-test was conducted during the field try-out. The result of the one tail sample analysis shows that the students perform different achievement before and after the treatment. There is significant different on their achievement, which can be seen from the improvement of the students’ mean score which was 44.77 during the pre-test to 87.04 from the post-test. From this result, it could be concluded that the teaching material and the tutorial CD could improve the students’ achievement.
keyword : development, drawing teaching material, AutoCad application software, ADDIE model
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