Penelitian ini bertujuan mengembangkan produk pembelajaran berupa bahan ajar interaktif berbasis pendidikan karakter untuk siswa kelas XI semester genap mata pelajaran animasi stop motion di SMK TI Bali Global Denpasar. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian pengembangan (research and development). Metode pengembangan model pembelajaran yang digunakan adalah Component Display Theory (CDT). Sedangkan metodologi pengembangan produk mempergunakan model Multimedia Pathways. Tahapan-tahapan dari model ini terdiri dari, 1) inisiasi, 2) spesifikasi, 3) desain, 4) produksi, 5) review & evaluasi, dan 6) delivery & implementasi. Aspek pendidikan karakter merujuk pada 10 pilar karakter yang berasal dari nilai-nilai luhur universal, yaitu, (1) cinta Tuhan dan segenap ciptaan-Nya, (2) kemandirian dan tanggung jawab, (3) kejujuran/amanah, (4) diplomatis, (5) hormat dan santun, (6) dermawan, (7) percaya diri dan pekerja keras, (8) kepemimpinan dan keadilan, (9) baik dan rendah hati, (10) toleransi, kedamaian, dan kesatuan. Upaya penanaman nilai karakter melalui bahan ajar didukung dengan implementasi model self regulated learning (SLR). Teknik evaluasi bahan ajar interaktif sampai pada tahap evaluasi formatif. Jumlah responden yang me-review bahan ajar adalah satu orang ahli isi, satu orang ahli media isi, satu orang ahli media komputer, satu orang ahli desain pembelajaran, tiga siswa dalam uji perorangan, 12 siswa dalam uji kelompok kecil, 20 siswa dalam uji lapangan, dan seorang guru mata pelajaran. Penelitian ini menggunakan desain one group pretest-posttest. Instrumen pengumpulan data adalah kuesioner dan tes hasil belajar. Data pretest dan posttest dianalisis menggunakan Uji-t.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa validitas bahan ajar ditinjau dari: (1) aspek isi adalah baik. (2) Aspek media isi adalah sangat baik. (2) Aspek media komputer dan desain pembelajaran adalah sangat baik. (3) Aspek uji perorangan, kelompok kecil, lapangan, dan guru mata pelajaran adalah sangat baik. Hasil analisis karakter siswa menunjukkan kualitas karakter bergerak dari kualifikasi baik menuju sangat baik. Uji perbedaan (uji-t) skor-skor pretest dan posttest menunjukkan terdapat perbedaan yang signifikan hasil belajar siswa antara sebelum dan sesudah belajar menggunakan bahan ajar interaktif berbasis pendidikan karakter. Ini artinya bahan ajar interaktif meningkatkan hasil belajar dan kualitas karakter siswa.
Kata Kunci : bahan ajar interaktif, pendidikan karakter, animasi stop motion, hasil belajar siswa
This research has a purpose to develop learning product in the form of interactive learning materials with character education based for IX grade students in second semester for Subject stop motion animation in SMK TI Bali Global Denpasar. This was a research and development research (R&D Reaserach). The method in developing learning materials was Component Display Theory (CDT). Whereas the methodology of developing product used model of Multimedia Pathways
The steps of this model consisted of 1) initiation, 2) specification, 3) design, 4) production, 5) review and evaluation, and 6) the delivery and implementation. Aspects of character education referred to the 10 pillars of character that came from universal noble values, namely, (1) the love of God and all His creation, (2) self-reliance and responsibility, (3) honesty/trust, (4) a diplomatic, (5) respectful and polite, (6) generous, (7) confident and hardworking, (8) leadership and fairness, (9) a good and humble, (10) tolerance, peace, and unity. Efforts to instill character values, through teaching materials supported by the implementation model of self-regulated learning (SLR). The technique in evaluating learning materials was done until formative evaluation step. Total respondents who had reviewed learning material were an expert in content, an expert in media content, an expert in computer media, an expert in designing learning, three students in self evaluation, 12 students in small group evaluation, 20 students in field evaluation, and a subject related teacher. This research used one group pretest-postest design. The instruments of collecting data were questionnaire and result of learning evaluation. Data of pretest and posttest were analyzed by using T-Test
The result of this research showed that the validity of learning material in terms of: (1) Content aspect was good (2) Media Content was very good (3) Computer media and learning design aspects were very good (4) aspects of Self evaluation, small group evaluation, field evaluation, and teacher of related subject were very good. Analysis results of students’ character showed the character’s quality moved from good qualification into very good qualification Test of differences (T-Test), Scores of pretest and posttest showed that there were significant differences of student learning outcomes before and after learning which used interactive teaching materials for character education based. It means that interactive learning materials develop of the result and character’s quality of the students.
keyword : Interactive Learning Materials, Character Education, Stop Motion Animation, student learning outcomes
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa validitas bahan ajar ditinjau dari: (1) aspek isi adalah baik. (2) Aspek media isi adalah sangat baik. (2) Aspek media komputer dan desain pembelajaran adalah sangat baik. (3) Aspek uji perorangan, kelompok kecil, lapangan, dan guru mata pelajaran adalah sangat baik. Hasil analisis karakter siswa menunjukkan kualitas karakter bergerak dari kualifikasi baik menuju sangat baik. Uji perbedaan (uji-t) skor-skor pretest dan posttest menunjukkan terdapat perbedaan yang signifikan hasil belajar siswa antara sebelum dan sesudah belajar menggunakan bahan ajar interaktif berbasis pendidikan karakter. Ini artinya bahan ajar interaktif meningkatkan hasil belajar dan kualitas karakter siswa.
Kata Kunci : bahan ajar interaktif, pendidikan karakter, animasi stop motion, hasil belajar siswa
This research has a purpose to develop learning product in the form of interactive learning materials with character education based for IX grade students in second semester for Subject stop motion animation in SMK TI Bali Global Denpasar. This was a research and development research (R&D Reaserach). The method in developing learning materials was Component Display Theory (CDT). Whereas the methodology of developing product used model of Multimedia Pathways
The steps of this model consisted of 1) initiation, 2) specification, 3) design, 4) production, 5) review and evaluation, and 6) the delivery and implementation. Aspects of character education referred to the 10 pillars of character that came from universal noble values, namely, (1) the love of God and all His creation, (2) self-reliance and responsibility, (3) honesty/trust, (4) a diplomatic, (5) respectful and polite, (6) generous, (7) confident and hardworking, (8) leadership and fairness, (9) a good and humble, (10) tolerance, peace, and unity. Efforts to instill character values, through teaching materials supported by the implementation model of self-regulated learning (SLR). The technique in evaluating learning materials was done until formative evaluation step. Total respondents who had reviewed learning material were an expert in content, an expert in media content, an expert in computer media, an expert in designing learning, three students in self evaluation, 12 students in small group evaluation, 20 students in field evaluation, and a subject related teacher. This research used one group pretest-postest design. The instruments of collecting data were questionnaire and result of learning evaluation. Data of pretest and posttest were analyzed by using T-Test
The result of this research showed that the validity of learning material in terms of: (1) Content aspect was good (2) Media Content was very good (3) Computer media and learning design aspects were very good (4) aspects of Self evaluation, small group evaluation, field evaluation, and teacher of related subject were very good. Analysis results of students’ character showed the character’s quality moved from good qualification into very good qualification Test of differences (T-Test), Scores of pretest and posttest showed that there were significant differences of student learning outcomes before and after learning which used interactive teaching materials for character education based. It means that interactive learning materials develop of the result and character’s quality of the students.
keyword : Interactive Learning Materials, Character Education, Stop Motion Animation, student learning outcomes
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