Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui ada tidaknya perbedaan kemampuan penalaran matematika dan motivasi berprestasi antara siswa yang mengikuti metode Reciprocal Teaching dengan siswa yang mengikuti metode Pembelajaran Konvensional. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian quasi eksperimen dengan mengambil populasi penelitian adalah siswa kelas X di SMA Negeri 3 Amlapura tahun pelajaran 2016/2017 yang terdistribusi dalam tujuh kelas. Selanjutnya diambil dua kelas sebagai sampel dengan menggunakan teknik cluster random sampling. Berdasarkan hasil random diperoleh kelas XE sebagai kelompok eksperimen yang belajar dengan menggunakan metode Reciprocal Teaching dan kelas XB sebagi kelompok kontrol yang belajar dengan menggunakan metode Pembelajaran Konvensional. Data yang dikumpulkan dalam penelitian ini adalah kemampuan penalaran matematika dengan menggunakan tes kemampuan penalaran dan data motivasi berprestasi dengan menggunakan kuesioner. Data yang terkumpul dianalisis dengan menggunakan uji t dan MANOVA.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa: 1) tHitung =5,606 > tTabel = 2,042 pada taraf signifikansi 5%, sehingga dapat disimpulkan terdapat perbedaan kemampuan penalaran matematika antara siswa yang mengikuti metode Reciprocal Teaching dengan siswa yang mengikuti metode Pembelajaran Konvensional. 2) tHitung =12,522 > tTabel = 2,042 pada taraf signifikansi 5%, sehingga dapat disimpulkan terdapat perbedaan motivasi berprestasi antara siswa yang mengikuti metode Reciprocal Teaching dengan siswa yang mengikuti metode Pembelajaran Konvensional. 3) * = 0,248 dan Hotelling's Trace FHitung = 95,679 lebih besar dari FTabel¬ = 3,14, sehingga dapat disimpulkan terdapat perbedaan kemampuan penalaran matematika dan motivasi berprestasi secara simultan antara siswa yang mengikuti metode Reciprocal Teaching dengan siswa yang mengikuti metode Pembelajaran Konvensional.
Kata Kunci : Metode Reciprocal Teaching, Kemampuan Penalaran Matematika, Motivasi Berprestasi
This study aims to determine whether there are differences in the ability of mathematical reasoning and Achievement motivation between students who learn with Reciprocal Teaching method and those who follow conventional methods. The population of this study are the students of class X in SMA Negeri 3 Amlapura academic year 2016/2017 which is distributed in seven classes with homogeneous ability. Two classes were taken as sample by using cluster random sampling technique. Based on the results obtained that XE class as an experimental group and class XB as a control group. This research uses two analytical techniques namely descriptive analysis and MANOVA.The data collected in this research for mathematical reasoning ability by using reasoning ability test and motivation data by using questionnaire. The collected data were analyzed using t-test and multivariate analysis technique.
The results obtained are: 1) tcount = 5.606 > tTable = 2.042 at 5% significance level, so it could be concluded there were differences in mathematical reasoning ability among students who studied using Reciprocal Teaching Method with students who studied using conventional Learning Method. 2) tcount = 12.522 > tTable = 2.042 at the level of significance 5%, so it could concluded there were differences in achievement motivation between students who studied using Reciprocal Teaching Method with students who studied using conventional Learning Method. 3) * = 0,248 and Hotelling's Trace FCount = 95,679 bigger than FTabel = 3,14, so it could be concluded there was difference of mathematic reasoning ability and achievement motivation together between student who Reciprocal Teaching Method with students who studied using conventional Learning Method.
keyword : Reciprocal Teaching Method, Mathematical Reasoning ability, achievement motivation
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa: 1) tHitung =5,606 > tTabel = 2,042 pada taraf signifikansi 5%, sehingga dapat disimpulkan terdapat perbedaan kemampuan penalaran matematika antara siswa yang mengikuti metode Reciprocal Teaching dengan siswa yang mengikuti metode Pembelajaran Konvensional. 2) tHitung =12,522 > tTabel = 2,042 pada taraf signifikansi 5%, sehingga dapat disimpulkan terdapat perbedaan motivasi berprestasi antara siswa yang mengikuti metode Reciprocal Teaching dengan siswa yang mengikuti metode Pembelajaran Konvensional. 3) * = 0,248 dan Hotelling's Trace FHitung = 95,679 lebih besar dari FTabel¬ = 3,14, sehingga dapat disimpulkan terdapat perbedaan kemampuan penalaran matematika dan motivasi berprestasi secara simultan antara siswa yang mengikuti metode Reciprocal Teaching dengan siswa yang mengikuti metode Pembelajaran Konvensional.
Kata Kunci : Metode Reciprocal Teaching, Kemampuan Penalaran Matematika, Motivasi Berprestasi
This study aims to determine whether there are differences in the ability of mathematical reasoning and Achievement motivation between students who learn with Reciprocal Teaching method and those who follow conventional methods. The population of this study are the students of class X in SMA Negeri 3 Amlapura academic year 2016/2017 which is distributed in seven classes with homogeneous ability. Two classes were taken as sample by using cluster random sampling technique. Based on the results obtained that XE class as an experimental group and class XB as a control group. This research uses two analytical techniques namely descriptive analysis and MANOVA.The data collected in this research for mathematical reasoning ability by using reasoning ability test and motivation data by using questionnaire. The collected data were analyzed using t-test and multivariate analysis technique.
The results obtained are: 1) tcount = 5.606 > tTable = 2.042 at 5% significance level, so it could be concluded there were differences in mathematical reasoning ability among students who studied using Reciprocal Teaching Method with students who studied using conventional Learning Method. 2) tcount = 12.522 > tTable = 2.042 at the level of significance 5%, so it could concluded there were differences in achievement motivation between students who studied using Reciprocal Teaching Method with students who studied using conventional Learning Method. 3) * = 0,248 and Hotelling's Trace FCount = 95,679 bigger than FTabel = 3,14, so it could be concluded there was difference of mathematic reasoning ability and achievement motivation together between student who Reciprocal Teaching Method with students who studied using conventional Learning Method.
keyword : Reciprocal Teaching Method, Mathematical Reasoning ability, achievement motivation
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