Hartana, (2011), Pengaruh Model Pembelajaran Berbasis Masalah Disertai Asesmen Fortofolio dan Motivasi Berprestasi Terhadap Prestasi Belajar Sains Pada Para Siswa Kelas V SDK. Harapan Denpasar. Program Studi Administrasi Pendidikan, Program Pascasarjana Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha.
Tesis ini sudah disetujui dan diperiksa oleh : Pembimbing Tesis : Pembimbing I : Prof. Dr. I Wayan Suastra, M.Pd dan Pembimbing II : Prof.Dr. Made Yudana, M.Pd
Kata kunci : pembelajaran sains, pembelajaran berbasis masalah, prestasi belajar, motivasi berprestasi, asesmen portofolio.
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk: 1) Mengetahui perbedaan prestasi belajar Sains yang mengikuti model pembelajaran berbasis masalah disertai asesmen fortofolio dengan siswa yang mengikuti model pembelajaran konvensional pada kelas V SDK. Harapan Denpasar. 2) Mengetahui perbedaan prestasi belajar antara siswa yang mengikuti model pembelajaran berbasis masalah disertai asesmen portofolio dengan pembelajaran konvensional.3) Mengetahui hubungan antara motivasi berprestasi dengan prestasi balajar sains pada siswa kelas V SDK. Harapan.
Populasi penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas V semester genap Sekolah Dasar Kristen Harapan yang jumlahnya 90 orang. Sampel penelitian ini diambil secara Random Sampling. Metode pengumpulan data yang dipergunakan adalah quesioner motivasi berprestasi dan metode tes untuk menentukan hasil belajar. Metode analisis data yang dipergunakan adalah analisis ANAKOVA.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa : 1)Terdapat perbedaan prestasi belajar sains yang mengikuti model pembelajaran berbasis masalah disertai asesmen fortofolio dengan siswa yang mengikuti model pembelajaran konvensional. 2)Terdapat perbedaan prestasi belajar antara siswa yang mengikuti model pembelajaran berbasis masalah disertai asesmen fortofolio dengan model pembelajaran konvensional setelah diadakan pengendalian pengaruh motivasi berprestasi. 3)Terdapat hubungan antara motivasi berprestasi dengan prestasi belajar siswa dalam pembelajaran sains kelas V Sekolah Dasar Kristen Harapan.
Implikasi model pembelajaran berbasis masalah dapat digunakan sebagai salah satu alternatif model pembelajaran dalam upaya meningkatkan prestasi dan aktifitas belajar siswa pada pembelajaran IPA. Guru dapat mengembangkan model pembelajaran ini pada pokok bahasan lainnya, bahkan dapat mengkolaborasikan dengan setting kooperatif sehingga dapat memberikan suasana belajar baru yang dapat memotivasi siswa untuk belajar.
Hartana. 2011. The Effect of Problem-Based Learning Instructional Model Based on Portfolio Assessment and Achieving Motivation Towards Science Learning Achievement of the Students of Class V Christian Elementary School (SDK) Harapan Denpasar. Department of Educational Administration, Postgraduate Program, Ganesha University of Education.
This thesis had been corrected and verified by:
The first supervisor : Prof. Dr. I Wayan Suastra, M.Pd., and
The second Supervisor : Prof. Dr. I Made Yudana, M.Pd.
Key-words: science instruction, problem based learning, learning achievement, achieving motivation, portfolio assessment.
The study was conducted in order to find out: (1) the difference in science learning achievement between the students joining problem-based learning instructional model based on portfolio assessment and those joining problem-based learning instructional model based on conventional assessment at class V Christian Elementary School (SDK) Harapan Denpasar. 2) the difference learning achievement of the students joining problem-based learning instruction based on portfolio assessment and those joining a conventional model. 3) the correlation between achieving motivation and science learning achievement of the students of class V Christian Elementary School (SDK) Harapan Denpasar.
This study employed a post-test only control group design, involving a total number of 90 students of class V at Christian Elementary School Harapan Denpasar as the samples, which were determined by using random sampling technique. The data were collected by using questionnaires of achieving motivation and learning achievement tests, and they were analyzed by using ANAKOVA technique.
The research has been shown that: 1) There were difference in science learning achievement between the students joining problem-based learning instructional model based on portfolio assessment and those joining problem-based learning instructional model based on conventional assesment. 2) there were correlation between achieving motivation and science learning achievement of the students of class V Christian Elementary School (SDK) Harapan Denpasar. 3) there were difference learning achievement of the student joing problem-based learning instruction based on portfolio assesment and those joing a conventional model after performed control of influence of achievement motivation. Implication of these research are problem-based learning model can be used as one of alternative learning model in order to improve achievement and student learning activity on the science subject. The teacher should expand this learning model on other subject in fact can be colaborated with cooperative setting so that will give new learning condition that could student’s motivation to learn.DOI:
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