IDA AYU GEDE ASTITI ., Prof. Dr. I Made Candiasa,MI.Kom ., Prof. Dr. I Made Yudana,M.Pd .


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui (1) perbedaan hasil belajar matematika antara siswa yang mengikuti pembelajaran matematika realistik dengan pembelajaran konvnsional, (2) pengaruh interaksi antara pendekatan pembelajaran dengan motivasi belajar terhadap hasil belajar matematika, (3) perbedaan hasil belajar matematika antara siswa yang mengikuti pembelajaran matematika realistik dengan pembelajaran konvensional, pada siswa yang memiliki motivasi belajar tinggi, (4) untuk mengetahui perbedaan hasil belajar matematika antara siswa yang mengikuti pembelajaran matematika realistik dan pembelajaran konvensional, pada siswa yang memiliki motivasi belajar rendah. Penelitian ini adalah penilitian eksperimen dengan rancangan penelitian Post-test Only Control Group Design. Data dianalisis dengan analisis varian dua jalur, dilanjutkan dengan uji Turkey. Dari analisis data ditemukan (1) terdapat perbedaan hasil belajar matematika antara siswa yang mengikuti pembelajaran dengan pendekatan matematika realistik lebih tinggi daripada dengan pendekatan pembelajaran konvensional , (2) Terdapat pengaruh interaksi antara pendekatan pembelajaran matematika realistik dan motivasi belajar siswa terhadap hasil belajar matematika siswa (3) Pada kelompok siswa yang memiliki motivasi belajar tinggi hasil belajar matematika yang mengikuti pembelajaran matematika realistik lebih baik daripada siswa yang mengikuti pembelajaran konvensional, (4) Pada kelompok siswa yang memiliki motivasi belajar rendah hasil belajar yang mengikuti matematika realistik lebih rendah daripada pembelajaran konvensional.

Kata Kunci : Pendetan Matematika Realistik, Motivasi Belajar, Hasil Belajar Matematika.

This study was aimed at finding out (1) the difference in mathematic learning achievement between the students who received realistic mathematics instruction and those who received conventional mathematics instruction, (2) the interactional effect between instructional approach and learning motivation on mathematics learning achievement, (3) the difference in mathematics learning achievement between the students who received realistic mathematics instruction and those who received conventional mathematics instruction in the students with a high learning motivation, and (4) the difference in mathematics learning achievement between the students who received realistic mathematics instruction and those who received conventional mathematics instruction in the students with a low learning motivation. This study was an experimental study with Posttest Only Control Group Design. The samplewere drawn randomly in the schools with parallel classes, by considering equality in academic ability. The data aboutlearning motivation were collected through a questionnaire given before the treatment, and the data about mathematics learning achievement were obtained with a learning achievement test at the end of the experiment. The data were analyzed with two-way analysis of variance, which was followed with Turkey test. From the data analysis it was found that (1) there was a difference in mathematics learning achievement of those who received realistic mathematics instruction was higher than that of those who received conventional mathematics instruction, (2) there was an interactional effect between realistic mathematics instruction and the student’s learning motivation on the student’s mathematics learning achievement, (3) In the group of students witha high learning motivation, the mathematics learning achievement of those who received realistic mathematics instruction was higher than that of those who received conventional mathematics instruction, and (4) In the group of students witha low learning motivation , the learning achievement of those who received realistic mathematics was lower than that of those who received conventional mathematics instruction.
keyword : Realistic Mathematics Approach, Learning Motivation, Mathematics Learning Achievement.

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