Kontribusi Kepemimpinan Transformasional, Supervisi Akademik Kepala Sekolah, dan Budaya Kerja Sekolah, terhadap Prestasi Kerja Guru pada SMP Negeri 2 Kuta Kabupaten Badung
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui besarnya kontribusi kepemimpinan transformasional, supervisi akademik kepala sekolah, dan budaya kerja sekolah terhadap prestasi kerja guru. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian ex-post fakto. Populasi dalam penelitian adalah seluruh guru SMP Negeri 2 Kuta Kabupaten Badung tahun pelajaran 2013/ 2014 yang jumlahnya 48 orang guru. Data tentang kepemimpinan transformasional kepala sekolah, supervisi akademik kepala sekolah, dan budaya kerja sekolah dikumpulkan melalui penyebaran kuesioner sedangkan prestasi guru diambil dari SKP dan PK guru hasil penilaian kepala sekolah. Dari hasil uji multikolineritas antar variabel X1 dengan X2, X1 dengan X3 dan X2 dengan X3 dalam penelitian ini diperoleh nilai VIF masing-masing: 3,724, 5,466, dan 4,972 (nilai VIF berada pada rentangan 1-10). Hal ini berarti bahwa antara sesama variabel bebas tidak terjadi multikolinieritas. Data dianalisis dengan korelasi dan regresi. Hasil Penelitian menunjukkan bahwa: Pertama terdapat kontribusi yang signifikan kepemimpinan transformasional kepala sekolah dengan prestasi kerja guru dengan F hitung = 202,869 dan kontribusi sebesar 81,5%. Kedua terdapat kontribusi yang signifikan supervisi akademik kepala sekolah dengan prestasi kerja guru dengan F hitung = 603,299 dan kontribusi sebesar 92,9%. Ketiga, terdapat kontribusi yang signifikan budaya kerja sekolah dengan prestasi kerja guru dengan F hitung = 244,892 dan kontribusi sebesar 84,2%. Keempat, terdapat kontribusi yang signifikan kepemimpinan transformasional kepala sekolah, supervisi akademik kepala sekolah, dan budaya kerja sekolah secara bersama-sama dengan prestasi kerja guru dengan F hitung = 176,229, dan kontribusi sebesar 86,7%.
Kata Kunci : Budaya Kerja Sekolah, Kepemimpinan Transformasional, Prestasi Kerja Guru Supervisi Akademik
This study aims at finding out the contribution transformational leadership, principal academic supervision, and school culture on the teachers’ working achievement in SMPN 2 Kuta in Badung regency in academic year 2013/2014. This research is ex-post facto. Population in this research is all the 48 teachers in SMPN 2 Kuta in Badung regency academic year 2013/2014. Data about the principal transformational leadership, principal academic supervision, and working school culture were collected by questionnaire and the teacher achievement was collected by principal scoring result. From the result of multicolinearity test between variables X1 with X2, X1 with X3 and X2 with X3 in this research then the score VIF of each was gained: 3,724, 5,466, and 4,972 (VIF score is in range 1-10). It means that multicoliearity is not happen between independent variables. The data was analyzed by correlation and regression. The research discovers: first there is a significant contribution of principal transformational leadership with teachers’ achievement with F counted = 202,869 and contribution of 81,5%. Second there is a significant contribution of principal academic supervision with teachers’ achievement with F counted = 603,299 and contribution of 92,9%. Third there is a significant contribution of school working culture with teachers’ achievement with F counted = 244,892 and contribution of 84,3%. Fourth simultaneously, there is a significant contribution of principal transformational leadership, principal academic supervision, and school working culture on teachers’ achievement with the F counted = 176,229 and contribution of 86,7%
keyword : school working culture, transformational leadership, teachers’ achievement, academik supervision
Kata Kunci : Budaya Kerja Sekolah, Kepemimpinan Transformasional, Prestasi Kerja Guru Supervisi Akademik
This study aims at finding out the contribution transformational leadership, principal academic supervision, and school culture on the teachers’ working achievement in SMPN 2 Kuta in Badung regency in academic year 2013/2014. This research is ex-post facto. Population in this research is all the 48 teachers in SMPN 2 Kuta in Badung regency academic year 2013/2014. Data about the principal transformational leadership, principal academic supervision, and working school culture were collected by questionnaire and the teacher achievement was collected by principal scoring result. From the result of multicolinearity test between variables X1 with X2, X1 with X3 and X2 with X3 in this research then the score VIF of each was gained: 3,724, 5,466, and 4,972 (VIF score is in range 1-10). It means that multicoliearity is not happen between independent variables. The data was analyzed by correlation and regression. The research discovers: first there is a significant contribution of principal transformational leadership with teachers’ achievement with F counted = 202,869 and contribution of 81,5%. Second there is a significant contribution of principal academic supervision with teachers’ achievement with F counted = 603,299 and contribution of 92,9%. Third there is a significant contribution of school working culture with teachers’ achievement with F counted = 244,892 and contribution of 84,3%. Fourth simultaneously, there is a significant contribution of principal transformational leadership, principal academic supervision, and school working culture on teachers’ achievement with the F counted = 176,229 and contribution of 86,7%
keyword : school working culture, transformational leadership, teachers’ achievement, academik supervision
DOI: https://doi.org/10.23887/japi.v6i1.1731
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Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha

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