Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui : (1) kontribusi persepsi guru tentang supervisi kepala sekolah terhadap kinerja guru, (2) kontribusi motivasi berprestasi terhadap kinerja guru, (3) kontribusi sikap profesional guru terhadap kinerja guru, (4) kontribusi persepsi guru terhadap supervisi kepala sekolah, motivasi berprestasi, dan sikap profesional guru secara bersama-sama terhadap kinerja guru SMP Negeri di Kecamatan Sukawati. Penelitian ini menggunakan rancangan ex post pacto. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah guru di SMP Negeri di Kecamatan Sukawati sebanyak 117 orang yang diambil secara proportional random sampling.
Data yang diperoleh dianalisis dengan analisis regresi sederhana, regresi ganda, korelasi ganda dan sumbangan efektif. Hasil analisis data menggambarkan (1) persepsi guru tentang supervisi kepala sekolah terhadap kinerja guru dapat diklasifikasikan baik, (2) motivasi berprestasi dapat diklasifikasikan tinggi, (3) sikap profesional guru dapat diklasifikasikan baik, (4) kinerja guru SMP Negeri di Kecamatan Sukawati dapat diklasifikasikan baik.
Hasil penelitian menunjukan: (1) terdapat kontribusi yang signifikan dari persepsi guru terhadap supervisi kepala sekolah terhadap kinerja guru, (2) terdapat kontribusi yang signifikan dari motivasi berprestasi terhadap kinerja guru, (3) terdapat kontribusi yang signifikan dari sikap profesional guru terhadap kinerja guru, (4) terdapat kontribusi yang signifikan dari persepsi guru terhadap supervisi kepala sekolah, motivasi berprestasi, dan sikap profesional guru terhadap kinerja guru.
Berdasarkan temuan tersebut dapat dikatakan bahwa secara terpisah dan simultan terdapat kontribusi yang signifikan dari persepsi guru terhadap supervisi kepala sekolah, motivasi berprestasi, dan sikap profesional guru terhadap kinerja guru. Dengan demikian ketiga variabel tersebut dapat dijadikan prediktor tingkat kecendrungan kinerja guru-guru SMP Negeri di Kecamatan Sukawati. Oleh karena itu usaha-usaha untuk memaksimalkan kemampuan kepala sekolah dalam melakukan supervisi, mendorong peningkatan motivasi berprestasi, dan mengembangkan sikap profesional guru perlu terus dilakukan.
Kata Kunci: Supervisi Kepala Sekolah, Motivasi Berprestasi, Sikap Profesional , dan Kinerja Guru.
This study aims to determine: (1) contribution of the supervising teachers' perceptions of principals on the performance of teachers, (2) contribution to the performance of teachers' achievement motivation, (3) contribution to the performance of teachers' professional attitudes of teachers, (4) contributions perception of head teachers to supervise school, achievement motivation, and professional attitudes of teachers together on the performance teacher SMP Negeri at Sukawati. The design of This study is Ex Post Pacto . The population in this study werein SMP Negeri in Sukawati are 117 people which are choosing by proportional random sampling.
Data were analyzed by simple regression analysis, multiple regression, multiple correlation and effective contribution. Describe the results of data analysis (1) teachers' perceptions about supervision of principals of teacher performance can be classified as good, (2) can be classified as a high achievement motivation, (3) professional attitudes of teachers can be classified as good, (4) the performance of Junior High School teacher in the district can Sukawati classified either
The results showed: (1) there was a significant contribution of teachers' perceptions of principals supervising the performance of teachers, (2) there was a significant contribution of motivation a chievement of the performance of teachers, (3) there was a significant contribution of the professional attitude of teachers to the performance of teachers, (4) there was a significant contribution of teachers' perceptions of the supervision of principals, achievement motivation, and professional attitudes of teachers towards teachers performance.
Based on these findings we can say that there are separately and simultaneously a significant contribution of teachers' perceptions of the supervision of principals, achievement motivation, and professional attitude of teachers to teacher performance. Thus these three variables can be used as a predictor of the likelihood of performance of teachers SMP Negeri at Sukawati. Therefore, efforts to maximize the ability of principals in supervision, encourage greater achievement motivation, and develop the professional attitude of teachers needs to be done.
Key words: Head of School Supervision, Achievement Motivation, Professional Attitude, and Teacher Performance.
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Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha

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