Tujuan penelitian adalah mengetahui kontribusi supervisi akademik, dan gaya kepemimpinan kepala sekolah terhadap kemampuan guru mengelola pembelajaran ditinjau dari status sertifikasi guru. Data dikumpulkan dengan kuesioner model skala likert dan instrumen penilaian kemampuan guru mengelola pembelajaran IPKG I dan IPKG II, analisisnya dengan analisis kovarian. Populasi penelitian guru SMA Negeri di kabupaten Tabanan, jumlah sampel 250, terdiri dari guru sudah sertifikasi 125, guru belum sertifikasi 125, dipilih berdasarkan proporsional random sampling. Rancangan penelitian ex-post pacto. Hasil penelitian adalah terdapat perbedaan kemampuan guru mengelola pembelajaran antara guru yang sudah sertifikasi dengan guru yang belum sertifikasi: (1) Fhitung sebesar 108,426; (2) setelah kovariabel supervisi akademik dikendalikan, dengan Fhitung 37,563; (3) setelah kovalriabel gaya kepemimipinan kepala sekolah dikendalikan dengan Fhitung 113,420; (4) setelah kovariabel supervisi akademik dan gaya kepemimpinan kepala dikendalikan, dengan Fhitung 74,750, sumbangan efektif: supervisi akademik sebesar 54,9%, dan gaya kepemimipinan kepala sekolah sebesar 54,3%, (5) terdapat kontribusi supervisi akademik terhadap kemampuan guru mengelola pembelajaran, Fhitung 145,204; (6) terdapat kontribusi gaya kepemimpinan kepala sekolah terhadap kemampuan guru mengelola pembelajaran dengan Fhitung 82,821; dan (7) terdapat kontribusi supervisi akademik dan gaya kepemimpinan secara simultan terhadap kemampuan guru mengelola pembelajaran dengan Fhitung 86,333.
Kata Kunci : supervisi akademik, gaya kepemimipinan kepala sekolah, kemampuan guru mengelola pembelajaran, dan status sertrifikasi guru.
The aim of this study is to find out the contribution of academic supervision, and school principal’s leadership style to teacher’s ability to manage learning viewed from teacher’s certification status. The population consisted teachers of public senior high schools in Tabanan regency, with a sample of 250 teachers: 125 of them were certified and 125 uncertified who were selected through proportional random sampling technique. This study used ex-post facto design. The data were collected with Likert scale modeled questionnaire and questionnaires for assessing teacher’s ability to manage learning (IPKG I and IPKG II), analyzed with covariance analysis. The results showed there was a difference in teacher’s ability to manage learning between the certified teachers and the uncertified ones (1) Fobs.= 108.426; (2) after the co-variable of academic supervision was controlled, (Fobs.= 37.563); (3) after the co-variable of school principal’s leadership style was controlled, (Fobs.= 113.420); (4) after the co-variables of academic supervision and school principal’s leadership style were controlled, (Fobs. = 74.750); effective contribution: of academic supervision 54.9% and of school principal’s leadership style 54.3%; there was a contribution of: (5) academic supervision to teacher’s ability to manage learning (Fobs.= 145.204%); (6) school principal’s leadership style to teacher’s ability to manage learning, (Fobs. = 82.821); and (7) academic supervision and leadership style simultaneously to teacher’s ability to manage learning (with Fobs. = 86.333).
keyword : academic supervision, school principal’s leadership style, teacher’s ability to manage learning, and teacher’s certification status.certification status
Kata Kunci : supervisi akademik, gaya kepemimipinan kepala sekolah, kemampuan guru mengelola pembelajaran, dan status sertrifikasi guru.
The aim of this study is to find out the contribution of academic supervision, and school principal’s leadership style to teacher’s ability to manage learning viewed from teacher’s certification status. The population consisted teachers of public senior high schools in Tabanan regency, with a sample of 250 teachers: 125 of them were certified and 125 uncertified who were selected through proportional random sampling technique. This study used ex-post facto design. The data were collected with Likert scale modeled questionnaire and questionnaires for assessing teacher’s ability to manage learning (IPKG I and IPKG II), analyzed with covariance analysis. The results showed there was a difference in teacher’s ability to manage learning between the certified teachers and the uncertified ones (1) Fobs.= 108.426; (2) after the co-variable of academic supervision was controlled, (Fobs.= 37.563); (3) after the co-variable of school principal’s leadership style was controlled, (Fobs.= 113.420); (4) after the co-variables of academic supervision and school principal’s leadership style were controlled, (Fobs. = 74.750); effective contribution: of academic supervision 54.9% and of school principal’s leadership style 54.3%; there was a contribution of: (5) academic supervision to teacher’s ability to manage learning (Fobs.= 145.204%); (6) school principal’s leadership style to teacher’s ability to manage learning, (Fobs. = 82.821); and (7) academic supervision and leadership style simultaneously to teacher’s ability to manage learning (with Fobs. = 86.333).
keyword : academic supervision, school principal’s leadership style, teacher’s ability to manage learning, and teacher’s certification status.certification status
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PDFDOI: https://doi.org/10.23887/japi.v4i1.996
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Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha

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