Developing Supplementary English Teaching Materials for the Tenth Year Students of SMA PGRI 6 Denpasar in Implementing Curriculum 2013
Studi ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan materi bahan ajar penunjang Bahasa Inggris untuk siswa Kelas X SMA PGRI 6 Denpasar dalam mengimplementasi Kurikulum 2013. Pada studi ini, model R&D dari Sugiono digunakan sebagai prosedur penelitian. Dimulai dari menganalisis silabus kurikulum 2013. Dari analisis tersebut ditemukan ada Sembilan unit dalam materi bahan ajar penunjang bahasa Inggris. Tiap unit terdapat tema, topik, dan aktifitas-aktifitas. Dalam studi ini data didapat dari rubrik dan kuesioner. Rubrik berdasarkan kriteria materi yang baik menurut Tomlinson dan BSNP. Rubric ini diisi oleh ahli praktisi dan guru. Sedangkan kuesioner diisi oleh guru dan siswa. Dalam studi ini Pretest dan posttest juga dilakukan. Hasil dari pretest adalah 79, 08, sedangkan hasil dari posttest adalah 86,58. Ini menunjukkan bahwa hasil rata-rata posttest lebih tinggi dari pretest. Ini dapat disimpulkan bahwa materi bahan ajar penunjang bahasa Inggris ini efektif digunakan untuk mengajar bahasa Inggris pengimpementasi kurikulum 2013.
Kata Kunci : Penunjang, Materi Bahan Ajar Bahasa Inggris, Kurikulum 2013
The aim of this study is to develop the supplementary English teaching materials for the tenth year students of SMA PGRI 6 Denpasar in implementing Curriculum 2013. In this study, the model of Research and Development by Sugiono was employed as the research procedures. It started from the need analysis. It was done by analyzing syllabus of curriculum 2013. From the need analysis, it was found that there were nine units in the supplementary English teaching materials. Each unit had a theme, a unit, and activities. In this study the data were obtained by using rubric and questionnaire taken from the criteria of a good material by Tomlinson and BSNP. The rubric was filled by the expert judgments and teacher, while the questionnaire was filled by teacher and students. In this study the pretest and posttest were also conducted. The result of pretest’s mean score was 79.08, and the posttest was 86.58. The result of posttest’s mean score is higher than pretest’s mean score. It can be concluded that the supplementary English teaching materials is effective to be used for teaching English in implementing curriculum 2013.
keyword : Supplementary, English Teaching Materials, Curriculum 2013
Kata Kunci : Penunjang, Materi Bahan Ajar Bahasa Inggris, Kurikulum 2013
The aim of this study is to develop the supplementary English teaching materials for the tenth year students of SMA PGRI 6 Denpasar in implementing Curriculum 2013. In this study, the model of Research and Development by Sugiono was employed as the research procedures. It started from the need analysis. It was done by analyzing syllabus of curriculum 2013. From the need analysis, it was found that there were nine units in the supplementary English teaching materials. Each unit had a theme, a unit, and activities. In this study the data were obtained by using rubric and questionnaire taken from the criteria of a good material by Tomlinson and BSNP. The rubric was filled by the expert judgments and teacher, while the questionnaire was filled by teacher and students. In this study the pretest and posttest were also conducted. The result of pretest’s mean score was 79.08, and the posttest was 86.58. The result of posttest’s mean score is higher than pretest’s mean score. It can be concluded that the supplementary English teaching materials is effective to be used for teaching English in implementing curriculum 2013.
keyword : Supplementary, English Teaching Materials, Curriculum 2013
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