Pengembangan Bahan Ajar Berbasis Teks Anekdot dalam Pembelajaran Bahasa indonesia untuk Peserta Didik Kelas X SMA Negeri 2 Semarapura
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengembangan bahan ajar berbasis teks anekdot dari segi struktur dan kaidah bahasa serta efektivitas penggunaannya dalam pembelajaran bahasa Indonesia untuk peserta didik kelas X SMA Negeri 2 Semarapura tahun pelajaran 2014/2015 semester ganjil. Untuk tujuan tersebut, penelitian ini dilakukan dengan metode penelitian dan pengembangan yang dimodifikasi dari pendapat Borg & Gall dan Sugiyono. Subjek penelitian adalah pengembangan bahan ajar berbasis teks anekdot. Objek penelitian adalah struktur bahan ajar, kaidah bahasa bahan ajar, dan efektivitas penggunaan bahan ajar. Proses validasi bahan ajar dilakukan oleh tim uji ahli dan tim uji praktisi. Hasil validasi ini dijadikan dasar untuk merevisi bahan ajar. Selanjutnya, bahan ajar yang telah direvisi lalu dilakukan uji lapangan dalam dua tahap yaitu uji coba terbatas dan uji coba lebih luas. Hasil tes dari uji lapangan tidak saja digunakan untuk penentuan validitas bahan ajar, tetapi juga digunakan untuk penentuan efektivitas penggunaan bahan ajar. Data hasil validasi terhadap bahan ajar yang didapat dari uji ahli dan uji praktisi diolah dengan analisis deskriptif sedangkan data hasil kuesioner yang didapat dari uji ahli, uji praktisi, dan uji lapangan serta hasil tes diolah dengan analisis kuantitatif dan deskriptif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pengembangan bahan ajar berbasis teks anekdot dari segi struktur mikro dan makro serta kaidah bahasa mikro dan makro sudah memenuhi standar setelah divalidasi. Selanjutnya, efektivitas penggunaan bahan ajar secara umum dapat dikategorikan baik
Kata Kunci : teks anekdot, struktur bahan ajar, kaidah bahasa
This study aimed at knowing the development of learning material on anecdote texts about the structure and grammar and the effectiveness of implementation in Indonesian teaching and learning for year X students of SMA Negeri 2 Semarapura in academic year 2014/2015 semester 1. This study was research development which was a modification from Borg & Gall and Sugiyono. Subject of the study was the development of learning material an anecdote texts. Object of the study was about the structure and grammar and the effectiveness of its implementation. Validation of the learning material was done by judges and practitiones. The result of the learning material validation and questionare were used to revise the learning material. The result was not only used to determine the validation but also to determine the effectiveness. The data from validation were analyzed descriptively and the data from questionnaire were analyzed quantitatively and descriptively. The result indicated that the micro and makro structure and grammar of learning material on anecdote texts were standard. The result of questionaire indicated that the structure and grammar of the learning material was categorized good
keyword : anecdote texts, the structure of learning material, the grammar
Kata Kunci : teks anekdot, struktur bahan ajar, kaidah bahasa
This study aimed at knowing the development of learning material on anecdote texts about the structure and grammar and the effectiveness of implementation in Indonesian teaching and learning for year X students of SMA Negeri 2 Semarapura in academic year 2014/2015 semester 1. This study was research development which was a modification from Borg & Gall and Sugiyono. Subject of the study was the development of learning material an anecdote texts. Object of the study was about the structure and grammar and the effectiveness of its implementation. Validation of the learning material was done by judges and practitiones. The result of the learning material validation and questionare were used to revise the learning material. The result was not only used to determine the validation but also to determine the effectiveness. The data from validation were analyzed descriptively and the data from questionnaire were analyzed quantitatively and descriptively. The result indicated that the micro and makro structure and grammar of learning material on anecdote texts were standard. The result of questionaire indicated that the structure and grammar of the learning material was categorized good
keyword : anecdote texts, the structure of learning material, the grammar
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