Penelitian deskriptif kualitatif ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan keterlibatan aspek semantik: 1) praanggapan, 2) implikatur, 3) pertuturan, dan 4) dunia kemungkinan dalam membangun bahasa humor verbal dalam kartun Negara ½ Gila, dan 5) efek yang dirasakan pembaca humor dalam kartun tersebut. Sumber data penelitian ini adalah buku kartun Negara ½ Gila karya Dody, Mujik, dan Rumrum Setiadi. Metode dokumentasi digunakan untuk mengumpulkan data keterlibatan aspek semantik. Sementara itu, metode wawancara digunakan untuk mengumpulkan data efek pembaca humor. Analisis data dilakukan melalui tahap reduksi data, penyajian data, dan penarikan simpulan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa keterlibatan aspek semantik: (1) praanggapan, (2) implikatur, (3) pertuturan, dan (4) dunia kemungkinan sebagai pembangun bahasa humor verbal dalam kartun Negara ½ Gila dibangun melalui beberapa unsur penting yakni: unsur gambar, ujaran tokoh kartun, keterangan kartunis, kombinasi gambar dan ujaran tokoh kartun, kombinasi gambar dan keterangan kartunis, dan kombinasi gambar dengan ujaran tokoh kartun dan keterangan kartunis, dan (5) terdapat dua efek yang dirasakan pembaca kartun humor Negara ½ Gila. Pertama, efek tersenyum, tertawa, dan senang. Kedua, efek bingung dan kesal bagi pembacanya. Hasil penelitian ini bermanfaat bagi pembaca humor, peneliti, kartunis, dan dunia pendidikan. Jika menginginkan hasil yang lebih maksimal, peneliti lain hendaknya melakukan penelitian yang lebih mendalam daripada penelitian yang telah dilakukan ini.
Kata Kunci : semantik, humor, kartun Negara ½ Gila
This qualitative descriptive study aimed to describe the involvement of semantic aspects: 1) presuppositions, 2) implicature, 3) speech act, 4) possible world, and 4) the possibility of building a world language in the verbal humor Negara ½ Gila cartoon, and 5) the perceived effects of humor in the cartoon reader. The data source of this research is a cartoon book entitled Negara ½ Gila by Dody, Mujik, and Rumrum Setiadi. Methods used to collect data documentation involvement semantic aspects. Meanwhile, the interview methods used to collect data on the effects of humoe readers. Data analysis was perfomed through the stages of data reduction, data presentation, and drawing conclusions. The results showed that involvement of semantic aspects: 1) presuppositions, 2) implicature, 3) speech act, 4) possible world, and 4) possible world as builder of verbal humor language in Negara ½ Gila cartoon was created through substances, such as: elements of image, utterance cartoon, cartoonist description, the combination of image and speech cartoon character, a combination of image and caption cartoonist, and a combination of cartoon character images with speech and information cartoonist. There are two effects that was appeared by reader of Negara ½ Gila humor cartoon. First, the effects of smiling, laughing, and happy. Secondly, the effect for the reader confused and irritated. The results of this study useful for humor readers, researchers, cartoonists, and education. If you want maximum results, other researchers should conduct more in depth study of this research.
keyword : semantic, humor, Negara ½ Gila cartoon
Kata Kunci : semantik, humor, kartun Negara ½ Gila
This qualitative descriptive study aimed to describe the involvement of semantic aspects: 1) presuppositions, 2) implicature, 3) speech act, 4) possible world, and 4) the possibility of building a world language in the verbal humor Negara ½ Gila cartoon, and 5) the perceived effects of humor in the cartoon reader. The data source of this research is a cartoon book entitled Negara ½ Gila by Dody, Mujik, and Rumrum Setiadi. Methods used to collect data documentation involvement semantic aspects. Meanwhile, the interview methods used to collect data on the effects of humoe readers. Data analysis was perfomed through the stages of data reduction, data presentation, and drawing conclusions. The results showed that involvement of semantic aspects: 1) presuppositions, 2) implicature, 3) speech act, 4) possible world, and 4) possible world as builder of verbal humor language in Negara ½ Gila cartoon was created through substances, such as: elements of image, utterance cartoon, cartoonist description, the combination of image and speech cartoon character, a combination of image and caption cartoonist, and a combination of cartoon character images with speech and information cartoonist. There are two effects that was appeared by reader of Negara ½ Gila humor cartoon. First, the effects of smiling, laughing, and happy. Secondly, the effect for the reader confused and irritated. The results of this study useful for humor readers, researchers, cartoonists, and education. If you want maximum results, other researchers should conduct more in depth study of this research.
keyword : semantic, humor, Negara ½ Gila cartoon
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