The Effect of Experiential Learning Model and Creative Thinking Toward Speaking Competency of Grade Ten Students of SMAK Harapan Denpasar in the Academic Year 2015/2016



Tujuan penelitian ini adalah 1) Menganalisis pengaruh antara model eksperiential terhadap siswa, 2) Menganalisis pengaruh interaksi antara model pembelajaran MPE dan MPK terhadap kemampuan berbicara, 3) Menganalisis perbedaan kemampuan berbicara pada kelompok berpikir kreatif tinggi dengan model MPE, dan 4) Menganalisis perbedaan kemampuan berbicara pada kelompok berpikir kreatif rendah dengan model MPE. Penelitian ini merupakan kuasi eksperimen dengan rancangan posttest only control group design. Populasi penelitian ini adalah semua siswa kelas X MIPA SMA Kristen Harapan Denpasar tahun pelajaran 2015/2016. Pengambilan kelas penelitian berdasarkan teknik group random sampling. Data yang diperoleh dianalisis dengan statistik deskriptif dan ANAVA dua jalur.
Hasil analisis menyatakan sebagai berikut. (1) terdapat pengaruh antara model eksperiential terhadap siswa (F = 71,07; p < 0,05), (2) terdapat pengaruh interaksi antara model pembelajaran MPE dan MPK terhadap kemampuan berbicara (F = 76,23 ; p < 0,05). (3) terdapat perbedaan kemampuan berbicara pada kelompok berpikir kreatif tinggi dengan model MPE, (F = 64,38 p < 0,05), (4) terbedaan kemampuan berbicara pada kelompok berpikir kreatif rendah dengan model MPE, (F = 54,98; p < 0,05).
Kata Kunci : berpikir kreatif, kemampuan berbicara, model pembelajaran eksperiential

This research aims to 1)analyze whether there is a significant effect of ELM toward speaking competency of grade-ten students of SMAK Harapan 2)analyze whether there is a significant interaction effect between ELM and creative thinking toward speaking competency 3)analyze whether there is a significant difference in speaking competency between the students with high level creative thinking taught using ELM and taught using CTM 4)analyze whether there is a significant difference in speaking competency between the students with low level creative thinking taught using ELM and taught using CTM. This research using quasi experiment with posttest only control group design. The population are tenth-grade of SMA Kristen Harapan. The samples uses random sampling technique. The design is by two way ANOVA analysis of variance 2 x 2 factorial. The results are: 1) significant effect of ELM toward speaking competency (F=71,07; p< 0,05) 2) significant interaction effect between ELM and creative thinking toward speaking competency (F= 76,23;p<0,05) 3) significant difference in speaking competency between the students with high level creative thinking taught using ELM and taught using CTM (F=64,38;p< 0,05) 4) significant difference in speaking competency between the students with low level creative thinking taught using ELM and taught using CTM (F = 54,98; p< 0,05).
keyword : creative thinking, experiential learning model, speaking competency


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