Studi eksperimen ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh model problem based learning berbasis asesmen kinerja dan gaya kognitif terhadap hasil belajar IPA. Jumlah sampel dalam penelitian ini adalah 64 siswa kelas V SD. Data hasil belajar dikumpulkan dengan tes uraian dan gaya kognitif dikumpulkan dengan test GEFT. Data yang diperoleh dianalisis dengan ANAVA AB dan uji Tukey. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa: (1) terdapat perbedaan yang signifikan hasil belajar IPA antara siswa yang mengikuti model PBL berbasis asesmen kinerja dan siswa yang mengikuti pembelajaran konvensional, (2) terdapat pengaruh interaksi antara model pembelajaran dengan gaya kognitif terhadap hasil belajar IPA, (3) terdapat perbedaan yang signifikan hasil belajar IPA antara siswa yang mengikuti model PBL berbasis asesmen kinerja dan siswa yang mengikuti pembelajaran konvensional pada siswa yang memiliki gaya kognitif field independent, dan (4) terdapat perbedaan yang signifikan hasil belajar IPA antara siswa yang mengikuti model PBL berbasis asesmen kinerja dan siswa yang mengikuti pembelajaran konvensional pada siswa yang memiliki gaya kognitif field dependent.
Kata Kunci : model problem based learning, asesmen kinerja, hasil belajar IPA, dan gaya kognitif.
This experiment aims at discovering the effect of problem based learning based on performance assessment and cognitive style on students’ natural science learning. 64 students of fifth graders were selected as sample. The learning result data were collected with essay test and cognitive style data were collected with GEFT test. The data acquired were analyzed with two way ANOVA and Tukey test. The results of this research were : (1) there is a significance difference in the natural science learning result between students taught by using PBL model based on performance assessment and those taught by using conventional model, (2) there is an interactional effect between learning model with cognitive style on natural science learning result, (3) there is a significant difference in the natural science learning result between field independent students taught by using PBL model based on performance assessment and those taught by using conventional model, and (4) there is a significant difference in natural science learning result between field dependent students taught by using PBL model based on performance assessment and those taught by using conventional model.
keyword : problem based learning model, performance assessment, students’ natural science learning result, cognitive style
Kata Kunci : model problem based learning, asesmen kinerja, hasil belajar IPA, dan gaya kognitif.
This experiment aims at discovering the effect of problem based learning based on performance assessment and cognitive style on students’ natural science learning. 64 students of fifth graders were selected as sample. The learning result data were collected with essay test and cognitive style data were collected with GEFT test. The data acquired were analyzed with two way ANOVA and Tukey test. The results of this research were : (1) there is a significance difference in the natural science learning result between students taught by using PBL model based on performance assessment and those taught by using conventional model, (2) there is an interactional effect between learning model with cognitive style on natural science learning result, (3) there is a significant difference in the natural science learning result between field independent students taught by using PBL model based on performance assessment and those taught by using conventional model, and (4) there is a significant difference in natural science learning result between field dependent students taught by using PBL model based on performance assessment and those taught by using conventional model.
keyword : problem based learning model, performance assessment, students’ natural science learning result, cognitive style
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