Pengembangan Tes Matematika dengan Teknik Parallel Form pada Siswa Kelas VIII di Kota Denpasar
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui (1) relevansi dan kelayakan tabel spesifikasi tes matematika, (2) kelayakan konstruksi tes matematika dan (3) kualitas tes matematika ditinjau dari (a)validitas butir, (b) daya beda, (c) tingkat kesukaran, (d) analisis faktor dan (e) reliabilitas dengan Teknik parallel form pada siswa kelas VIII di Kota Denpasar. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di Kota Denpasar. Sampel berjumlah 605 dari siswa SMP kelas VIII yang tersebar di seluruh Kota Denpasar. Data penelitian dikumpulkan dengan tes obyektif dan diolah dengan menggunakan program excel. Hasil penelitian ini adalah: (1) tabel spesifikasi tes matematika dengan Teknik parallel form pada siswa kelas VIII di Kota Denpasar telah dikembangkan berdasarkan kompetensi dasar serta relevan dan layak untuk mengukur kompetensi dasar siswa, (2) kostruksi tes matematika dibuat berdasarkan SK-KD dan dikembangkan indikator yang layak untuk pengembangan tes matematika, (3) kualitas tes matematika dengan Teknik parallel form secara secara umum adalah (a) semua butir valid, (b) kebanyakan butir memiliki daya beda yang baik, (c) kebanyakan butir soal memiliki tingkat kesulitan sedang, (d) masing-masing instrumen menghasilkan 4 faktor dan (e) instrumen memiliki reliabilitas sangat tinggi.
Kata Kunci : pengembangan tes, teknik parallel form
This study aims at discovering (1) the relevancy and properness math test specification table, (2) properness construct of math test, and (3) the quality of the math test in term of (a) item validity, (b) descrimination index, (c) level of difficulty, (d) factor analysis, and (e) reliability of math test with parallel form technique on eighth grade students in Denpasar City. This study was done in Denpasar City. The sample of this research was 605 eighth grade students spread in Denpasar City. Data of this research were collected by objective test and analyzed by sing EXCEL program. This research discovers that (1) math test specification table with parallel form technique on eighth grade students in Denpasar City has been developed based on basic competency and it was relevant and proper to measure students’ basic competency, (2) the construct of math test with parallel form was made based on Standard of competency-basic competency and developed proper indicators for the math test development, and (3) the quality of math test with parallel form generally: (a) all items are valid, (b) the items mostly have good descrimination index, (c) the items mostly have average level of difficulty, (d) each of instrument has 4 factors, and (e) the instrument has very high reliability.
keyword : parallel forms techniques, test development
Kata Kunci : pengembangan tes, teknik parallel form
This study aims at discovering (1) the relevancy and properness math test specification table, (2) properness construct of math test, and (3) the quality of the math test in term of (a) item validity, (b) descrimination index, (c) level of difficulty, (d) factor analysis, and (e) reliability of math test with parallel form technique on eighth grade students in Denpasar City. This study was done in Denpasar City. The sample of this research was 605 eighth grade students spread in Denpasar City. Data of this research were collected by objective test and analyzed by sing EXCEL program. This research discovers that (1) math test specification table with parallel form technique on eighth grade students in Denpasar City has been developed based on basic competency and it was relevant and proper to measure students’ basic competency, (2) the construct of math test with parallel form was made based on Standard of competency-basic competency and developed proper indicators for the math test development, and (3) the quality of math test with parallel form generally: (a) all items are valid, (b) the items mostly have good descrimination index, (c) the items mostly have average level of difficulty, (d) each of instrument has 4 factors, and (e) the instrument has very high reliability.
keyword : parallel forms techniques, test development
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