Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh model pembelajaran kontekstual terhadap hasil belajar pendidikan agama kristen dengan kovariabel motivasi belajar dan sikap religius pada siswa kelas XI SMA N 7 Kupang. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas XI SMA N 7 Kupang yang beragama Kristen protestan sebanyak 184 orang yang di distribusikan kedalam 9 kelas. Pengambilan sampel dalam penelitian ini menggunakan teknik random sampling, yang mengambil sampel 4 kelas sebagai kelas eksperimen dan kelas Kontrol. Rancangan penelitian berupa post tes only control group design. Data dikumpulkan dengan menggunakan angket motivasi belajar, sikap religius dan tes hasil belajar pendidikan agama Kristen. Data dianalisis dengan uji ANAKOVA satu jalan dua kovariabel. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa (1) Terdapat pengaruh pendekatan pembelajaran kontekstual terhadap hasil belajar diperoleh F_(hit )= 14.907 >〖 F〗_(tab )= 3.94; (2) Setelah dilakukakan pengendalian terhadap motivasi belajar diperoleh F_(hit )= 19.274 >〖 F〗_(tab ) = 3.95; (3) Setelah dilakukan pengendalian terhadap sikap religius diperoleh F_(hit )= 8.337 >〖 F〗_(tab )= 3.95; (4) Setelah dilakukan pengendalian terhadap motivasi belajar dan sikap religius diperoleh F_(hit )= 14.552 > F_(tab )= 3.95; (5) Terdapat hubungan fungsional antara variabel motivasi belajar dan hasil belajar dengan koefisien determinasinya sebesar r^2=(0.788)^2=0.621 atau 62.16%; (6) Terdapat hubungan fungsional antara sikap religius dengan koefisien determinasinya sebesar r^2=(0.783)^2=0.613 atau 61.3%; (7) ) Terdapat hubungan fungsional antara motivasi belajar dan sikap religius dengan koefisien determinasinya sebesar r²=(0.860)^2=0.739,=73.9%.
Kata Kunci : Hasil Belajar Pendidikan Agama Kristen, Motivasi Belajar, Pembelajaran Kontekstual, Sikap Religius.
This research aimed at investigating the effect of contextual learning model upon the Christian education achievement with learning motivation and religiosity covariant. The population of the study was 184 eleventh grade Christian students distributed in 9 classes of SMA N 7 Kupang in the academic year 2014/2015 wherein 92 (46 from experiment class and 46 from control class) of them were selected as the sample of the study through random sampling technique. The design of the study was posttest-only control group design. The data were collected by using learning motivation and religious attitude questionnaires, and the achievement test of Christian education. The data were analyzed by 1-way ANACOVA 2 co-variables. The results indicated that: 1) there was the effect of contextual learning model on learning achievement; (F count = 14.907 > F table = 3.94; 2) after the learning motivation was controlled, the (F count = 19.274 > F table = 3.95); 3) after religious attitude was controlled, the (F count = 8.337 > F table = 3.95); 4) after learning motivation and religious attitude were controlled, the (F count = 14.552 > F table = 3.95; 5) there was functional relationship between learning motivation and learning achievement wherein the coefficient of determination: r^2=(0.788)² = 0.621 or 62.16%; 6) there was functional relationship between religious attitude and learning achievement wherein the coefficient of determination: r^2=(0.783)² = 0.613 or 61.3% ; 7) there was functional relationship between learning motivation, religious attitude and learning achievement wherein the coefficient of determination: r²=(0.860)² = 0.739, = 73.9%.
keyword : Contextual Learning, Christian Education Achievement, Learning Motivation and Religious Attitude.
Kata Kunci : Hasil Belajar Pendidikan Agama Kristen, Motivasi Belajar, Pembelajaran Kontekstual, Sikap Religius.
This research aimed at investigating the effect of contextual learning model upon the Christian education achievement with learning motivation and religiosity covariant. The population of the study was 184 eleventh grade Christian students distributed in 9 classes of SMA N 7 Kupang in the academic year 2014/2015 wherein 92 (46 from experiment class and 46 from control class) of them were selected as the sample of the study through random sampling technique. The design of the study was posttest-only control group design. The data were collected by using learning motivation and religious attitude questionnaires, and the achievement test of Christian education. The data were analyzed by 1-way ANACOVA 2 co-variables. The results indicated that: 1) there was the effect of contextual learning model on learning achievement; (F count = 14.907 > F table = 3.94; 2) after the learning motivation was controlled, the (F count = 19.274 > F table = 3.95); 3) after religious attitude was controlled, the (F count = 8.337 > F table = 3.95); 4) after learning motivation and religious attitude were controlled, the (F count = 14.552 > F table = 3.95; 5) there was functional relationship between learning motivation and learning achievement wherein the coefficient of determination: r^2=(0.788)² = 0.621 or 62.16%; 6) there was functional relationship between religious attitude and learning achievement wherein the coefficient of determination: r^2=(0.783)² = 0.613 or 61.3% ; 7) there was functional relationship between learning motivation, religious attitude and learning achievement wherein the coefficient of determination: r²=(0.860)² = 0.739, = 73.9%.
keyword : Contextual Learning, Christian Education Achievement, Learning Motivation and Religious Attitude.
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