Tujuan Penelitian ini adalah untuk mengungkap standarisasi laboratorium yang ada di SMA Negeri Kota denpasar, dalam penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif dengan jenis penelitian korelasional dimana dalam penentuan responden menggunakan tehnik probability sampling. Responden dalam penelitian ini berjumlah sebanyak 200 responden yang terdiri dari kepala sekolah, guru bidang studi, petugas laboran laboratorium biologi serta siswa siswi yang sudah menginjak kelas XII IPA. Pengujian dalam penelitian ini menggunakan pengujian mengkorelasikan sekor setiap item jawaban responden dengan total item pernyataan dengan mencari sekor presentase rata-rata. Data hasil penelitian ini di uji dengan menggunakan rumus presentase rata-rata. Hasil dalam penelitian deskriptif ini menunjukkan bawa kondisi daya dukung fasilitas alat-alat laboratorium IPA/Biologi yang ada di kota denpasar menunjukkan bahwa kondisinya hampir memenuhi standar minimal yang telah ditetapkan yakni (1) Fasilitas Perabot yang ada di ruang laboratorium IPA/Biologi di SMA Negeri Kota Denpasar belum memenuhi standar minimal ( 80.56 % ), (2) Fasilitas alat ukur dasar laboratorium yang ada di ruang laboratorium IPA/Biologi di SMA Negeri Kota Denpasar masih berada di bawah standar minimal ( 96.80 % ), (3) Fasilitas Gambar/charta yang ada di ruang laboratorium IPA/Biologi di SMA Negeri Kota Denpasar belum memenuhi standar minimal ( 83.73 % ), (4) Fasilitas bahan-bahan yang ada di ruang laboratorium IPA/Biologi di SMA Negeri Kota Denpasar belum memenuhi standar minimal ( 97.77 % ), (5) Fasilitas papan tulis yang ada di ruang laboratorium IPA/Biologi di SMA Negeri Kota Denpasar sudah memenuhi standar minimal ( 100% ), 6) Fasilitas perlengkapan lain yang ada di ruang laboratorium IPA/Biologi di SMA Negeri Kota Denpasar belum memenuhi standar minimal ( 77.77 % ). Dari segi managemen pengelolaan laboratorium SMA Negeri kota Denpasar semua tergolong sangat baik sedangkan untuk efektivitas dalam pemanfaatan ruang laboratorium yang ada di kota denpasar menunjukkan sangat baik.
Kata Kunci : Daya Dukung Sarana Prasarana , Pengelolaan Laboratorium , Efektivitas Pemanfaatan Laboratorium
This study uses a quantitative approach to the type of correlational studies in which the determination of respondents use probability sampling technique. Respondents in this study amounted to as much as 200 respondents consisting of principals, subject teachers, lab biology laboratory personnel and students of class XII are already stepping IPA. Testing in this study using the test correlate each item sekor respondents with a total item statement by finding the average percentage Silverback. The data on the test results of this study using the average percentage formula. The results of this descriptive study show that your condition carrying facility of laboratory equipment IPA / Biology in the city of Denpasar shows that the condition nearly meet the minimum standards that have been established that ( 1 ) the existing facilities in the room furnishings laboratory science / biology in SMA Denpasar city as much as 80.56 % of data obtained not meet minimum standards , ( 2 ) basic laboratory facilities measuring instruments that exist in space science laboratory / Biology in SMA Denpasar gained as much as 96.80 % of data is still below minimum standards , ( 3 ) facilities Picture / Charta existing laboratory space science / biology in SMA Denpasar as much as 83.73 % of data obtained not meet minimum standards , ( 4 ) facilities existing materials in the science lab / Biology in SMA Denpasar as much as 97.77 % of data obtained not meet minimum standards , ( 5 ) existing whiteboard facilities in laboratory science / biology in SMA Denpasar gained as much as 100 % of data already meets the minimum standard , 6 ) other equipment facilities that exist in the space science lab / Biology in SMA Denpasar city as much as 77.77 % of data obtained not meet minimum standards . In terms of management of SMA laboratory management of Denpasar all classified as very good , while for effectiveness in the utilization of laboratory space in the city of Denpasar showed very good .
keyword : Infrastructure Capability, Laboratory Management, Laboratory Utilization Effectiveness
Kata Kunci : Daya Dukung Sarana Prasarana , Pengelolaan Laboratorium , Efektivitas Pemanfaatan Laboratorium
This study uses a quantitative approach to the type of correlational studies in which the determination of respondents use probability sampling technique. Respondents in this study amounted to as much as 200 respondents consisting of principals, subject teachers, lab biology laboratory personnel and students of class XII are already stepping IPA. Testing in this study using the test correlate each item sekor respondents with a total item statement by finding the average percentage Silverback. The data on the test results of this study using the average percentage formula. The results of this descriptive study show that your condition carrying facility of laboratory equipment IPA / Biology in the city of Denpasar shows that the condition nearly meet the minimum standards that have been established that ( 1 ) the existing facilities in the room furnishings laboratory science / biology in SMA Denpasar city as much as 80.56 % of data obtained not meet minimum standards , ( 2 ) basic laboratory facilities measuring instruments that exist in space science laboratory / Biology in SMA Denpasar gained as much as 96.80 % of data is still below minimum standards , ( 3 ) facilities Picture / Charta existing laboratory space science / biology in SMA Denpasar as much as 83.73 % of data obtained not meet minimum standards , ( 4 ) facilities existing materials in the science lab / Biology in SMA Denpasar as much as 97.77 % of data obtained not meet minimum standards , ( 5 ) existing whiteboard facilities in laboratory science / biology in SMA Denpasar gained as much as 100 % of data already meets the minimum standard , 6 ) other equipment facilities that exist in the space science lab / Biology in SMA Denpasar city as much as 77.77 % of data obtained not meet minimum standards . In terms of management of SMA laboratory management of Denpasar all classified as very good , while for effectiveness in the utilization of laboratory space in the city of Denpasar showed very good .
keyword : Infrastructure Capability, Laboratory Management, Laboratory Utilization Effectiveness
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