N. M. Y. Anita, I W. Karyasa, I Nyoman Tika



Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh model pembelajaran group investigation (GI) terhadap self-efficacy siswa. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian eksperimen semu dengan rancangan pretest-posttest non-equivalent control group design. Populasi adalah siswa kelas XI IPA di SMA N 1 Negara dengan sampel 128 siswa yang terdiri dari 2 kelas kelompok kontrol dan 2 kelas kelompok eksperimen.  Data yang diperoleh berupa g-skor ternormalisasi selanjutnya dianalisis dengan statistik ANAVA satu jalur. Berdasarkan hasil dari 8 indikator self-efficacy diperoleh hasil skor untuk kelas GI meningkat secara tajam kecuali indikator 2 mengalami peningkatan yang sangat kecil. Berdasarkan hasil analisis uji statistik ANAVA satu jalur diperoleh hasil Fhitung yaitu 70,505 jauh lebih besar dari pada Ftabel yaitu 3,89 sehingga H0 ditolah dan H1 diterima. Dapat disimpulkan  bahwa terdapat perbedaan self-efficacy yang signifikan antara siswa kelas GI dan siswa pada kelas kontrol.



Kata kunci: Grup Investigation dan Self-Efficacy






This study aimed to determine the effect of the learning model group investigation (GI) of the self-efficacy of students. This research was quasi eksperiment with pretest-posttest non-equivalent control group design. Population were Science 11th grade students at SMA N 1 Negara and the samples were 128 students, they were two classes for the control group and two classes for experiment group. The data was obtained in the form normalized g-score that analyzed by using one-way ANOVA statistical analysis. Based on the analysis of each self-efficacy indicator, it was found that the third, the fourth, the sixth, and the seventh indicator scores of GI group increased dramatically. However, the second indicator of GI group and control goup had a very small increase. Based on the results of the one-way ANOVA statistical analysis, F value was = 70.505 which was much greater than the F table = 3.89. Consequently, H0 was rejected and H1 could be accepted. It can be concluded that there were significant differences in self-efficacy between GI group students and control group students.



Keywords : Grup Investigation and Self-Efficacy

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